Pilot Part 2 - It's all gonna change

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So I'm really in the mood to write this and I don't care if it's the middle of the night! Hope you all enjoy it! I will try and post often but I don't know how much that'll be!

Your mother turns around and looks at you with an apologetic look, you smile and she looks at your father. "I guess we should explain..."

"Yeah, I think that's the least you can do." Your sassy tone shocks your parents, you were never one to talk back as a child, you were a goodie two shoes your whole life, until recently, but your parents didn't know about that!

"So, first off I think we should start with the fact that we aren't your birth parents, and-" You cut off your mother speaking, your father's eyes on the road.

"WHAT?!" You yell, "This can't be true, no, no, please no, please be a dream, WAKE UP (Y/N), WAKE UP!!" Your head is spinning and you feel like you've lost all control. Your mind is racing when your mot- Helen, put her hand on your shoulder.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry but it's true, now please calm down. We need to keep quiet and not attract attention." You nod and continued listening to what Helen had to say. "I am truly sorry for the circumstances but we had to keep you safe. See, your real mother is a Galran, and your father a human. Her name was Haggar, and she was a witch. She slowly grew bored of your father, Lucas, and his kind ways. She tried to take you and your sister and kill him, but he escaped with you two. He managed to find Earth and told us all about what had happened and the situation. I pretended to be pregnant and have you as our baby and we looked after you as instructed by your father. He fell very ill and almost died on many occasions. He told us to raise you as our own and not tell you until your 18th birthday, so you could finally meet him, but with the current situation we must go now." She spoke with tears filling her mascara covered eyes.

"So I'm half alien, I have a sister, my real dad is almost dead and you aren't my real parents. Something happened and we had to leave now?" You ask. This was so much to take in. You stared out the window trying to fit the pieces together but you need more information.

"Yes." David spoke finally. You were glad to hear his voice, it bought a sense of calm onto you. "Your sister is with Lucas and we need to get there fast. Haggar is an awful woman (Y/N), with shocking capabilities. You most likely have some power which your father will help you unlock." Did he just say powers? No, I must be hearing things, but. They said it's real and I know in my heart it is, I just don't want to except it.

"So, why did we have to leave now?" You ask with a calm but equally worried tone.

David responds fast, "Haggar is coming. We can't let her find you. It would be catastrophic. Lucas will train you with the basics and you, Lucas and your sister Maria will go to the castle of lions, where one of you will pilot the orange lion."

The orange lion? You look at Helen, communicating silently. "It is a part of a large robot called Voltron, you join together to form a robot and fight the forces of evil throughout the universe. They thought they only needed 5 lions and have been doing well until Allura princess of Altea found out that there is a 6th lion that her father built, and can help Voltron greatly." 

You look out of the small window and realise you're outside a small house by a field of crops. This must be where your father lives, where your sister lives, where your life changes for better or worse. Nobody will know until you step inside...

So a recap, your real father is a man called Lucas who IS human. Haggar the witch is your mother. You have a sister called Maria. Helen and David raised you. You may have some sort of powers? Your life is about to change forever, for better or worse is unknown. You may end up meeting the love of your life...

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