Welcome to hell everyone

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Rookie's pov
     Well, hello to whoever is reading this book. I hope that all of you will realize that these descions that I made were good or not depending on your point view, This life that I have is interesting at the same time this sucks to be me and all. On top of all that stuff, this is another adventure, or whatever you call it but this will be good. My real name is Maya but everyone in high school calls me rookie since I'm mute nerd and i live through it with life for a reason since everything was so different then. I've been called many names since I know that I'm not human at all since the beginning of time and that's still a secret today for everyone's own protection, even my own. Actually, my entire family isn't human, considering that all of it is that we are missing is a father like every family and we're fine but we are not since the chaos of suffering. My mother was an idiot as she calls it back in the day since she so young and stopped doing what she was doing ever since she found out that she had me since i believe that it for her own good since she was tired of everything. My brother was five and my sister was three at the time after i was born since I'm the final child of the family. We all don't like each other but mother told us that big brother and I have three dots on our forehead and sister doesn't have it but it was understandable since we are still family. My brother's name is Danny, my sister's name is Samus and mine is Maya, but we all covered it all up since it was a big deal in the family and the entire world too, well at least for every realm since we are targets of them.

*That outfit is every day since she can wear it perfectly and her hair a midnight black. Her forehead has three dots on it since she was born, tan skin, 5'4", muscles throughout her body since she took kirate since she was three. Her eyes are brown but without her glasses the eyes are black with red circles like normal ones. She never used a phone and she knows where she goes*

I don't even know where I'm truly from and even though there are really bad dreams that make me stay up at night for apparent reason and since I'm on every team who wants the advantage since this our senior year considering that I'm the queen of the nerds. Since my freshman year, no one knows that I'm a secret weapon till the end of my junior year considering that I have the highest grade in all of my advanced classes and helping some people in exchange for one week of being my servant, which was cool in my point of view since they are desperately wanting to get their grades up so that their parents won't beat the shit out of them in which I laugh a little but since they were begging, the deal was set as long as they know what to do. I help the sports who aren't noticed at all with their hard work since no one cares. Since I suggested a new drill for them to work on so that everything makes sense, at least sports wise since the coach for each one let me and they appreciate that since they came in second place each year and in return, they gave certain gifts that are always worth the time and patience. Since there are groups and all throughout, I completely stayed away from the slut group and the populars since they are completely stupid at what they do all the time. Everyone thought that I would be with them but I don't because I will always be used as a tool or a mascot. I always hated being used, since they did it once in my sophmore year, and I didn't go to school for a week as result of this chaos since i can sense it since the begining of time. That group didn't know where I was and everyone kept their mouths shut and they delete their text messages from me since they know what happened and they showed hatered towards them as a result of everything. It was so bad that board of directors came to that group since they called their parents since they know my medical condition very well. Since they came, I came a week after the incident and I went to the office since everyone was there. Everyone was there and I sat down, knowing that they are in trouble by their parents. I immediately gave them the conversation to the messages they said to me. Their parents immediately apologize and gave me some of their stuff to me as their punishment, of course they deserved it. As months went by, things went back to normal and everyone worked together and as a result, no one ever used people again, as long as they are a threat to me.

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