Living in the human realm

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Rookie's pov
  Well, this is extremely unexpected for me to be here. Luckily my best friends are still alive and i got to the apartment of where we all live together. Once I got in, they were doing their clean room routine and they both hugged me really tight and they both let go because i told them that i couldn't breathe because my lungs were telling me so. Sally spoke, "We missed you so much and we were able to make sure that we don't gain another roommate since we hated the rest of our rivalry work and all". I smiled since i also honed my skills at everything since everyone wanted to have a person on their team and to make themselves look good as well. So, it's been a couple of weeks since I returned to my best friends and the apartment that we all live in currently, my meetings with my people were qiute intresting since my best friends were there and my people were planning to invade the human world since it's been many years since and i agreed in which they were all suprised and i wanted to kill people myself since there is some unfinished business in the human realm since there were a few loose ends. So, since they spent hours on how to invade and they came in secretly after they found me since i told them to not be seen otherwise they will all be killed by the hunters. Both sally and bulma were scared that they got here and they bowed to me since they apologized for what happened many hours ago. In exchange, we all were preparing for the worst since i told them what's going on and they needed to be safe at all costs till, "Here's the plan, you will let a few of my people know and you will let my warriors will be ready by then, under my command, okay?, go before a lot worse will happen". They both bowed since they knew the consequences are much more feirce and my life was more complicated and they all haven't feel like since my father was like this. My best friends came in after our meeting since i always some spare time since I'll be able to tell them since i need them both alive. Sally spoke since my meetings with them were off, "Rookie what in the world is going on?!". I sighed since i was going to tell them anyways, "I'm planning to invade my people here in this realm and i need you guys to make sure that this place is demon proof but make sure that i can come in since i need know that you both are still alive for yrars to come". They understood the drill and we all managed to make sure that everything is demon proof and it was nice because they had time off of their work since we all caught up.

Weeks later
   We all were doing our own work since my people were in disguises since i trained them to do so otherwise they will get killed by the humans since the incident of the last one years ago when they were kidnapped by that group that i hated the most. I was going back to the music box since that's where it all happens since this power wasn't gone since it's my soul that has to be motivated otherwise evertrhing else won't work for a bit, even for a day. So, since it was my soul that I was unlocking, i knew it will be forever and with a few years as well since it was nice. I was hearing music that bulma and sally had since they both kept up with music with everything else that came was coming to them both. There was a song that stood out since it was really amazing since it was a skating moment. It was to have a competition for a long reign of such music that no one has ever heard since all of them were underrated in my soul, etc. Luckily, no one knew about these songs since they think that they're stupid till you use that song correctly in any way. It's a good thing that I was able to find them since the slut team died while us three were at china for our tour long ago. Luckily it was able to become justified since they all had debts to pay with their lives and the best part, no one knows who or what actually killed them on a three weeks seprate incident. My people are completely safe and i was extremely worried about them since i am secretly emotional considering that i am a mother with a son. No knows that he has my emotion state factorness and with that i was very happy. Everyone was working their ass off till I sense a very powerful demon and i knew exactly who it was since i haven't seen him in Malay island over seventeen years ago. On that day, my best friends went to kyrie's house since she was my daughter in law since i ship them since the last incident. I smelled the garage and i knew that he took his own son's arm off for his own selfish desire to become stronger than dante. I thought about it as I was meditating, 'I haven't seen dante in years, I'm pretty sure that his memories are foggy but still the same old. So, i was able to set up for my journey of pure badass and being back to normal. My best friends hugged me for the very last time and i knew it was harsh but it was for the sake of their safety and the future as well. I went to the rooftop and managed to go towards the source of these minor battles. As i was going to them, i knew what's going on since i sensed their powers and their aura combined, 'that son of a bitch!, I knew that it was them both but does he know that she's a slut?'. And from that point on, i knew my story will be at an end someday with him after some unfinished business is done first.

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