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Aaliyah POV

I rubbed my eyes to see Lisa right next to me, we really did it last night? Well she a bomb ass kisser that's all I remember. I tried to get up but my legs were sore, Lisa tore me up last night apparently. I poked Lisa's cheek and she didn't wake up, then I poked her neck still nothing. Did I sleep with a dead person last night?

Lisa woke up and whispered in my ear "Boo!" I screamed so loud, thank god I don't have neighbors by my house they would've called the police. "Lisa!" She pulled me back onto the bed laughing at the top of her lungs. She lucky I didn't throw her out the window. "Lisa, it isn't that funny." I crossed my arms and faced away from her with a straight face. She pulled my arms so I look right in those big eyes, they're so beautiful. "Aaliyah, don't be like that towards me." We both pressed our lips against each other's. It felt like the world was with only us two in it.

5 minutes of kissing each other, we both pulled back from one another. "Aaliyah I have a serious question to ask you, which can interfere in our relationship." I got so scared I thought she was going to ask about last night and regret it. "Y-Yes Lisa..." She held me close so I can look into those big eyes again, if she keeps doing this we always going to end up sleeping together. "Aaliyah Dana Haughton, will you be my girlfriend?" My ass almost fainted when she said that but I kept calm and kissed her rough. Then broke the kiss, "Yes! Yes! A million times Yes Lisa!" We both held each other so tight. We were finally together as an item, a couple.

Hope you guys enjoyed, it took forever to think about, BUT ANYWAYS HOPE YOU LIKE IT ☺️

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