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As the clan of Dovimalk cowered in fear from an imminent attack they had only one plan up their sleeve. Large containers of black goo had been transported to their outpost in the vast desert surrounding Tokyo. The huge desert was an aftermath of the huge war that had happened twelve years ago during the onslaught of Kiliro and Human. They knew of a couple of the poor souls and unfortunate souls that were forced into war. ''No survivors.'' A man said emerging from the darkness. His body was covered in steel armour and it seemed nothing could stop him. ''I know what you're thinking Astoul. You've been reading those diaries again, haven't you?'' The teenager aged seventeen looked towards his father, he nodded as he knew he had done bad. It was strictly against the customs made by the chief. ''Don't worry my son. We have a plan to strike back at the clan of Zilotrike.'' 

Zilotrike marched through the scorching heat of the desert that's invaded the border of Tokyo, their weapons, raised above their heads and some sheathed along their backs. Most men wielding axes or two-handed longswords. Some archers having their bows in hand at all times, they carried a corpse of a deceased with them and it was contained within a rotting coffin. Their marching was in perfect synchronisation. As they approached the outpost, the leader of the clan, by the name of Krakros shouted a booming order. ''Halt! Archers. Ready!'' The archers approached towards the front of almost 100 men and readied their bows. ''Rain fire!'' As this command, the archers of Zilostrike fired their arrows, set fire the outpost around them.

The leader of Dovimalk was watching the black goo being dipped into a burial site, the goo stuck to the wrappings of cloth as the body sunk under the goo, unable to be seen. ''Our plan is almost done. We will win this fight, but the war will not be over.'' As the leader, also known as Zanazar, looked towards his son and kneeled down, the sound of steel clashing against the floor echoed throughout the room. He spoke gently and moved the hair from out of his son's eyes. ''Astoul, this isn't the life I wished for you to be brought up in. I will do everything in my power to protect you from harm.'' He then stood up towering above his son and looked towards the black goo. Sounds of clashing inside the burial site echoed as banging and muffled screaming arisen from inside the goo. Red liquid had begun to pour out as a body arose. Four red sharp claws held the body up as the body was also lifted up by Zanazar, the body was stood upright as his eyes and looked around. He took his first breath and smirked. ''I'm alive.''

Zilostrike charged forward into the outpost slaughtering any warrior in their path. Some fought back with the intention of protecting their chief. Sounds of metal and steel, screams of pain and agony arose in the surrounding area as small craters of where a sword of axe had impacted with immense strength. Krakros smirked as he gave the order of no prisoners, this meant in simpler terms, no survivors. This increased the number of casualties and the fire continued to rage on with the sun fueling the wildfire, causing to grow in height and temperature. Krakros had his double-bladed spear in hand as he pierced the skin and guts of those who opposed him. His armour stained with the blood of his enemies. Krakros was determined to stop whatever plan was happening inside the outpost. 

Zanazar looked at his resurrected body, it was something he had been planning on doing for years now, ever since he had been able to unlock the secret of life with this dark black liquid he had been solely focused on unlocking its power and now, he had finally achieved it. As the body grew in colour to what it previously looked like in its life before the murder. He walked about gathering his senses. He smelt the harsh smell of sand and heat which made him frown with disgust. He then felt the rough floor that his bare feet were standing upon. Zanazar approached the male with precaution as he knew what power he held. ''We are under attack. Please help us. I'll answer any questions that you may have lingering upon your mind, but for now. Help us. What is your name?'' The male looked at Zanazar slowly and smirked. The red claws emerged from the back of his body, almost in a brainwashed state and he answered. ''I am Anoriath Homodo Shimada.'' And with that, sounds of flesh ripping apart and teeth-gnashing into the bleeding corpses arose even louder above the noises of steel clashing together.

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