Ch 0: The original, non-clichè? accident

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It was a nice sunny afternoon in the quiet serene neighborhood. The birds were musically majestic, chirping and cooling down in the fountains. The playful dogs were happily pooping and cute cats were clawing curtains; making a cute mess for angry owners to clean up. It was another perfect day in serene town, no disturbances, and no troubles.

Or so it was supposed to be........

Bang! Hey! Mika not you aga-
Crash! MIKA~
Splash! Nooo...
kabunk! Owww~
SssshhhhKaboom! Sparks flew up, the whole building set ablaze.
Luckily! No one was injured.
Even so, the problem maker, Mika was still help responsible.
Despite the fact that the burnt building was just a toy set, a fire was still a fire. Even if a fire was small... it could've grown to a hazardous degree.

Mika's gut instinct alerted her, as she felt cold sweat forming on her body.
'I'm dead', that was her gut instinct's sole thought.
And life didn't fail her gut's expectations.

Mikaene~ Come out where ever you are~ Hiding is not going to solve anything you know~ hahaha~.  A psycho is definitely the scariest when they are on the verge of snapping.

Milka was terrified. 'Oh sh*t, I'm dead', was her only thought as a moody girl picked her up by her clothes and threw her on the sofa.
Mika closed her eyes and readied herself. She knew what was gonna happen.
.....The knife in that girl's hands kind of told her.

While Mika was readying herself, something outrageous was slowly happening.  Fifty yards away, a mad scientist had created a magnet bomb...and randomly decided to dispose of it by laying it in a super sling shooter. The bomb ended up flying all the way thru the sky and ...into Minano's bedroom window and right onto Mika's head. The magnet bomb exploded
Caused all the metals, the knife and many more, to slash and crash into Mika.
As if it wasn't enough, on her last breath, a metal truck-san was magnetically drawn onto Mika.
Mika died a weird death, cliche yet non-cliche. The famous truck-san was was the knife, a mad scientist and a psychopathic girl.

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