Ch 1.1

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'Are you serious?', was her only thought as the sound of the truck began to dangerously fade in sync with her quickly declining and blurry vision. Full of tears, she tried to struggle stubbornly trying to grasp onto life. Desperately trying to move her limp arm, she whimpered with a face full of pain as her wet eyelashes quivered allowing stubborn tears to slowly streamed down.  'What did I do to deserve this? No this can't be!', she thought to herself, with eyes laced stubborn resentment as she clenched her teeth. She spent her last minutes of life struggling and trying to keep herself awake,  as she sarcastically thought, 'Haha, as if I am going to die so easily'. Sadly enough, as if the world heard her resentment, an flurry of arrows seemed that seemed aimless had started flying towards her as she closed her eyes with her last thought being,

MyTransmigrationseries: Evil? MC meets pure big sis(who's like a lil sis)Where stories live. Discover now