A message from the author

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Hey, it's Kei! I'm so excited to start and write this story since I had the idea!

I'm in love with Detroit: Become Human and so I became DBH trash lol. I had been looking for fanfics about DBH, specifically Connor since I'm in love with the smol bean, and saw that the fanfic count isn't that high.

There are a lot of oneshots sure but most of them are for Connor (I don't blame you though cause that adorable dog loving man child deserves all the love he gets) and when I had looked for Markus x readers, although there are some, there weren't that much so I decided to write one!

And yes I kept him single cause North can go and do whatever for all I care XD ah, the beauty of having the choice to keep him single <3

I'll be pushing to write all of this in the same canon of the game but with the inclusion of since the reader is here there are more paths and whatnot and just- basically I'm adding canon and non canon stuff together so-


I want to make it as real game as possible so that we can have that feeling that it's not too far from the game and it could actually exist… I don't know if you guys get me but I want this to be as close to game reality as possible so that we could really feel close to Markus and the other characters.

Now keep in mind that I just went through the game like once so as detailed of this as I want I may get some things wrong.

Anyway that's enough about me, hope you guys enjoy the Detroit: Alive experience!

*The reader will be female
*Mostly on 2nd person
*Major credits to the artworks that I use in this story, none of anything belongs to me, I can only take credit for the plot and story itself but as for the characters and artwork that will be seen on this story they solely belong to their owners.

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