chapter Three

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^^^^ Alpha Johnathan's Wolf^^^

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked with as much venom as possible through my mind links. I'm praying that my wolf stopped wagging her tail, goddess knows that I wouldn't be taken seriously with my tail wagging. "It wasn't what it looked like, I only want you." I simply replied "why the fuck should I care, I don't belong to you, nor you me." He growled, signaling he didn't take that too well. I whimpered and held my ground. I knew I needed to get the hell out or here. I looked for my exist and took off. Hearing paws hitting the ground I knew he was following me. I was so distracted by running away from Jonathan I didn't notice the rogue standing in front.

I ran into him because I didn't have enough time to stop. I didn't know what to so I didn't the first thing that popped into my mind I lunged foward and bit him on one of his legs. Needless to say my it didn't go well because he quickly bit me on my stomach causing me to yelp in pain. I scrambled away as quick as I could before he could bite me again. Being the fighter I am I attacked again only I missed and was bit on my neck. I felt my blood dripping down my fur but I could give in, I had to survive.

I bit the rogues legs again causing it to let me go and whimper, I used this time to attack biting into his neck and large piece of flesh off. I knew I killed him when he shifted back into his human form. Before I could even enjoy my victory another two rogues came out of no where. I knew there was no way I was going to be one let alone to because I was too weak. I prayed to the moon goddess for help. As if answering my prayers Jonathan's wolf ran out and protectively stood in front of baring his teeth daring anyone else to touch me. That was the last thing I saw before I gave into complete darkness.

I wake up all I saw is a white light and a young girl walking toward me "Am I dead?" She laugh "no, you got beat up pretty bad but Alpha Jonathan saved you. Your really lucky, your the second person he's saved since he's been back." Confusion washed over me, before I turned to her and ask what she meant the smell of ocean breeze flooded my nose and I knew he was coming. Not even a second later he walked into the room. I sat up and crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. He thought he was such a big shot. The look on his face told me he was beyond angry.

"What the hell is wrong with you Katerina! You could've been killed!" I remained silent and looked away. He sighed and took a seat next to me "Are you okay?" Feeling him calm and I turned to him. "I'm okay" I turned away again. I wasn't afraid of him anymore, knowing how his parents are and with him saving my life I felt more comfortable around him. "Why are you here, you have a whore to be with." His eyes flickered black and I knew I pushed him a bit far. "Carey was drunk and needed assistance, she was passed out so I brought her to my house and she needed to but on my clothes because she had throw up all over her own. After you left I brought her here to get evaluated and then followed your scent.

"Katrina when you shifted back I noticed scars all over your body.." I was suddenly self conscious and pulled my blanket more over me. "Who did that to you?" His eyes were black from anger. I just shook my head while tears weld up in response. I wasn't ready to talk about that. I was feeling better so I pulled my cords off of me and walked to the door. Before I can even open door I'm held against the hall and Jonathan hovers over me. "Kitten stop walking away from me, keep doing it, and I'll be forced to punish you"

A smile crept on his face and instead of tryi Knoxng to pushing him away, I decided to out smart him. "Oh really?" I said as a smiled. I ran my hand down his body and landed on his member causing him to groan. I smiled even more knowing the effect I had on him. I moved hand up and down faster causing him to moan. With that I flipped us so that he was against the wall still keep my hand on top of his pants. Then I lean and whisper "Never threaten me with a good time." With that I left a dazed Jonathan in my hospital rooms.

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