Chapter Thirty Four

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When I arrive home Jonathan is not there, my guess is that he is out chastising or even killing Nick and Laurent. I head up to my room and shower and get dressed then quickly rejoice for having braids in my hair because sweating means washing and redoing my hair and that is too much. After getting dressed I lay in bed and contemplate my life and my choices, everything leading to where and who I am now. After a while and I decide to stop thinking about it and head to prep dinner. After prep I look at the time and realized it was time to head to Bernice and Jeff's house. Since the best, because I can avoid people, and fastest route is through the woods I let Tana out (Katrina's wolf). Instead of leaving immediately Tana ran and played for around 15 minutes. "Tana, we gave to go" which she replied no, of course. "Look we are going to be late, and I am going to have top hear it not you." She rolled her eyes at me. "You are just scared to see Jonathan again so you wanna be gone before he gets back, while I find him too sexy especially with how angry he got about us being hurt. I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything back because she was in fact correct. Jonathan scared the living shit out of me when he went so serious, especially because I have never seen that before. She continued to run in circles finally I said "girl chill can we please get the destination." I say to her rolling my eyes. Her being her ignored me and continued playing and running around like she had not good sense. Finally, I let her be for a solid 5 minutes. "Tana chill stop being a bitch and ignoring me and I know you are ignoring me." I felt her roll her eyes, but she finally spoke to me. "Yes, I'm ignoring you, so what? I have not been out since forever ago, let me be we will get there." After like 5 more minutes of play time, I did allow her that (I have some control over my wolf) we leave and make it to Bernice and Jeff's house.

Of course, when I arrive to Bernice is already waiting for me. I went behind a tree and transformed back into human form and put some clothes on that I brought with me. When I came in Bernice started with the questions. "how are you? How has Johnathan been treating you? Are getting enough rest and food? Is he overworking you?" I couldn't help but smile. In this moment she was my mother and she made me warm inside. "I'm okey, Jonathan has been good though I do thing he may be on a bit of a rampage, considering out last conversation but enough about that." Just then I caught Jeff and Bernice looking at each other with a side eye. "what?" Naturally being then they avoided my question. "That's good dear, Are you ready to head out??" I tilt my head slightly, "what are you two hiding?" Jeff answered. "Nothing, Jonathan will talk to you later on today". I sighed and accepted my fate because neither of them were going to break. Bernice and I headed to Luna class. The walk there was extremely peaceful, we didn't talk, just enjoyed each other's company.

When I got to the class I saw Amberley and ran to her and gave her a huge hug. She was such a sweetheart. Even after seeing my story she didn't change, she didn't pity me or anything and I loved that about her. We said our heys and caught up with each other while we waited for class to begin. Nothing excited happened in her life but she freaked when I told her that I moved in with Jonathan and was now his made. "OMG, I can.t believe you are working with the future Alpha well for but still. He is a hottie and ugh I wish it were me." AS much as I loved her it took all of my might not to rip her head for talking like that about my mate. Of course she didn't know he was my mate and I had no intentions of telling her that until it was time so took a big breath internally to calm myself down. I just nonchalantly said it was cool, before she could ask any more questions the 3 bitches showed up. "So the homeless packless loser is now a whore, I bet now that you live with Jonathan you try to seduce home 24/7. Well newsflash he is mine and my future mate I deserve to be with an alpha and the moon goddess herself believes it too. All there is left for him to do is mate with me. So keep your filthy paws off my man!" I rolled my eyes and laughed at her, I couldn't even be mad, she simply lied, and it wasn't a good one either, at least not to me as I knew the truth. I laughed at Bernice, whom I saw rolling her eyes. "What's funny stupid bitch?" I look around confused "Um are you talking to me if that's the case then the answer is you, you a whole joke out here." I explain. I guess this irritated the bitch and her mindless minions. "You best believe as soon as Jonathan claims me you are out!" I knew she would never have the power to do this, plus she had officially pissed me off, so I decide to school her. "First of all a Luna does not have that power only the Alpha. I would think someone who claims to be future Luna and have obviously been going to this class longer than me would know that. Second of all, even if you did have that power you shouldn't want use it as a Luna, Lunas are supposed to be kind, caring and nurturing and the total balance of her Alpha and you are none of that. Trust I've met enough Luna's to know. Third and most important I'm pretty sure even if you weren't lying and were masted to Jonathan he would reject you, You know nothing about him nor are even trying to know him. All you want is the title and power and that is not him not Luna Bernice nor Alpha Jeff."

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