elevator (pt. 1)

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it was a slow day at work...co-workers all in bad moods and customers being extra annoying. but finally the day was over and i was on my way home.
friday's were my favourite days to work..that sounds odd but my friday schedule synced up with my neighbours gym schedule. we would arrive at the elevator at the same time and always have these incredible chats on the way up. he was so sweet, so kind, and sooo handsome. but we never hang out outside of the elevator.
i opened the doors to my apartment building, saying hi to cassie, the secretary, on my way past. eventually making my way to the elevator where my neighbour stood. but he hasn't pressed the up button yet.
i crept up behind him and slowly made my way beside him.
"hey shawn." i said smiling.
"v!!" shawn said with a huge smile on his face before attempting to side hug me but it turned into an awkward mess.
i laughed, "wanna try that again?"
"yeah, i do." shawn said laughing too.
we turned to each other and properly hugged, both of us lingering there longer than we should have. we spilt apart making quick eye contact but then focusing our attention on the elevator. i finally noticed that neither of us had hit the "up" button so i leaded forward and clicked it.
"i would have hit it sooner but i was waiting for you to get here." shawn said.
"you waited for me?" i said feeling my heart skip a beat.
"i mean-yeah-of course." shawn said while scratching the back of his neck. "our friday elevator rides if the highlight of my week..."
my smile grew incredibly wide, "they're mine too."
the elevator doors seeped and opened, revealing that there was no one else inside. yes.
i couldn't help but notice how hot shawn looked in his "after the gym clothes today. he wore a pair of dark wash blue jeans that fit so well they should be illegal, a white quarter sleeve shirt with a few buttons at the top that he had left undone showing the tiniest bit of chest hair, lord save me now. and his hair was still damp from the shower he had obviously taken at the gym making it hang in cute loose curls.

"so, how was your day?" he asked me when genuine curiosity in his voice.

"it was alright. uneventful. how was the gym." i asked.

"oh it was good, thanks. same old, same old." he said nodding.

the awkwardness grew thick in the air.

why was this happening? our elevator rides our usually incredible. so why is this one different.

my phone binged. i checked it, huffing while looking looking at the message before rolling my eyes.

shawn noticed, "not someone you want to be hearing from?" he asked.

"you could say that." i said before looking down at the another message that rolled in.

james: hey you, can't stop thinking about you
james: what do you say you make your way over here and do what we do best?

i showed shawn the messages, his eyebrows furrowed and his nose scrunched.

he looked absolutely adorable. "ex?"

"ding ding ding! we have a winner." i said sarcastically.

"here." he said putting his hand out signalling for me to give him my phone. he tapped for a few seconds and i began to grow nervous at what he was doing.

he gave me my phone back before his phone dinged too. i saw that he blocked james' number and replaced the contact info with his. he sent a message from my phone to his.

i smiled.

the doors dinged and then opened, shawn sighed and started to exit the elevator.
"well...bye, V. see you next time." he smiled and made his way down the narrow hallway to his apartment.

the doors closed and i sighed, the flush on my cheeks began to calm.

my phone dinged again, who's texting me now?

jess: busy tonight?
v: hmm...depends. what are u trying to get me to do with u?
jess: well...i was thinking..
v: hate it when u do that
jess: shh shh, just get me out. there's this bar, petty cash, it's pretty new and it's fucking amazing, i went there last night with Mark. we had an amazing time but i spent the whole night thinking 'wow i wish V was here to experience this with me'. sooo i was thinking, u and u could go and have a girls night!
v: idk, i had a long day and i'm super tired. i was just gonna read and ten head to bed early.
jess: v u do that everyday!! common, take a chance, live a little.
v: is typing
v: fine. what time.
jess: EKKKKK!! yay! okay, how's 9:30pm?
v: perfect.

9:30 rolled around and i sat on my couch scrolling through my twitter feed. i've been ready for an hour. it's not in my genes to be late. i'm genetically designed to be ready hours before anything i do. i hate being rushed.
jess: i'm here!
she's 10 minutes early.
"hey." i said as i got into her car placing my purse in the back seat and putting my seatbelt on.
"ready?" she asked.
"ready." i answered.

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