elevator pt. 2

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hey all! here's the long-awaited elevator pt. 2.

just a reminder that for you this is just a lengthy chapter in a smut book on the internet, but for me this is art. this is what i do. i write. and want my writing to be something i am proud of. i'm very particular and want the story line to be enticing, despite it "only being smut". that being said, this takes time. so i want you to know that i see the "update" comments and messages and i work as quickly as i can but writing is something that i never rush and have to write and rewrite many times.

thank you for all the love <3 it means so much to me that so many of you are enjoying this book.

now with out further ado, enjoy this chapter. i'm very happy with how she turned out ;)

the bar was filled with laughter, booze, and music.

i felt like i was hearing a million things at once but also like i couldn't hear a thing.

"k so you know how i promised you'd have a good time tonight?" jess said as she handed me my drink.

"mhm.." i nodded not sure of what she was going to say next.

"well...i just had a...very awkward encounter with someone who ,you have to promise me, won't make this night absolutely awful." she explained.

"i-uh-" i gave up trying to understand what she was talking about, "done, whatever. yes, i promise to not let who ever you just talked to ruin my night." i answered.

she sighed in relief, "great! so uh, james is over at the bar..and he uh, knows your here."

i spat my drink out slightly. "like, my ex, james?"

she nodded.

fuck. my. life.

i scanned the bar to catch a glimpse of where he was so i knew to avoid that area but as my eyes scanned they were met with another pair. piercing blue eyes staring right at me. james' eyes. i don't even like blue eyes. i've never been attracted to guys with blue eyes; that should have been the first red flag with james and my relationship. i looked away quickly in attempts to make it seem like i hadn't seen him. but it was to late, he was already getting up from the bar stool and pushing through the crowd of people to get to me.

i turned in the opposite direction, breath caught in my throat and started walking. my head was too fuzzy to think about where i was going or feeling bad for bumping into so many people.

through my 'great escape' i smashed into a tall frame that was headed in my direction.

"oh god, i'm so sorry." i said, flustered.

"no worries." the figure said.

that voice is familiar.

i looked up to find a pair of brown eyes. my favourite brown eyes.

"shawn!" i said, more happily than i should have.

"victoria!" he said back, matching my happiness.

"this may seem odd as we have only ever really spoken in an elevator before but, uh, you remember my asshole ex from earlier today?" i said.

"james, was it?" he answered, "i do."

"yeah, so the thing is -- he's here right now and currently about 15 seconds away from approaching us to try and talk to me," i flicked my eyes between shawn's and watched a slight smirk on his lips appear as he watched me ramble, "and i know you don't know anything about what our relationship was or how incredibly awful it was and you in no way are obligated to help me out in this situation but if you could please, some how, help me make him go away that would be much appreci-"

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