Zombie Girl II. City of the dead

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Zombie Girl II. City of the dead

High, at the very top of a towering crumbling building, in a room with windows that had been boarded up securely and broken glass, sat a (h/c) haired girl. A lonely girl. The only thing that kept her going was her want to cure herself of her deadly disease. If there was a cure. Of that she had no clue. 

It was early in a soundless morning and she was quivering and sobbing in the furthest corner of the room. The room was painted red with blood and decorated with organs from three corpses that caused a hellish stench. The only organ that wasn't decorating the room however, was their hearts.

You pressed your ice cold body up against the wall as much as you could hiding your face from the horrific sight. Considering what you were, you had cold blood. Your face was caked in the red essence that kept humans alive. You could still taste the sweet metallic blood and flesh on your tongue and the fact that you liked the taste of it made you sick. It took a lot to keep yourself from vomiting. You had already made enough of a mess. You would have thought by now that you were used to it but that obviously wasn't the case. 

Your salty tears mixed with the blood around your mouth smearing it even more. With a ripped sleeve you wiped your face as much as you could. There wasn't anything around to clean yourself up with so you would have to go somewhere else. That would probably be difficult considering if anyone saw you like this, there would be trouble. Another reason for why you would have to leave was because if anyone found you the consequences wouldn't be good. 

You lifted yourself up leaning on the wall for support. You couldn't trust your legs yet. It took a while for you to get your strength back and actually leave the building, you were on the top floor after all. Once reaching the bottom you left out of a rarely used door and came out into a back alley leaving a trail of blood behind you in the process. It was no surprise to see the undead walking aimlessly around the streets. This part of the city, was completely dead. No life lingered and even the air seemed lifeless. All you could think about was how you yearned to be normal once again, to see normal living people walking with a destination to go to, laughing, talking, and smiling. It was all you wished for. There was no cure however, so your wish was pointless.

Staggering out of the shadows and into the harsh blinding sunlight you made your way to the place where hardly any undead walked. The farthest end away from the gate that opened up to the living part of the city.

"Reno. I want you and Rude to assemble a team to go into the infected zone." Rufus ShinRa the boss of the ShinRa Company cared not about anyone but himself and his business. He couldn't care less if his SOLDIERs risked their lives every day doing his dirty work. No one however was stupid enough to rise against the heartless bastard for it would most certainly mean death.

"S-sir? Are you sure that's a good idea? The main gate is surrounded by the infected, there's no way in." Reno stuttered fearing the slightest annoyance from his boss. No one liked to be in his presence when he was frustrated. Not even Cid Raines, the leader of the Cavalry, even he would avoid it if possible. Rufus' eyes narrowed at the red headed Turk making him hold his breath and freeze on the spot.

"Reno, are you questioning me? You do as I order before my patience draws thin, are we clear?" The president shot at the shivering Turk.

"Yes sir!"

"Good, now I advise you take backup from the GUARDIAN CORPS as well as our own SOLDIERs. Obviously this will not be an easy task. We will also need to keep some SOLDIERs here in case that damned Avalanche attacks again. Capture the ten infected and bring them to the lab for testing. Go, and don't disappoint me." Rufus brushed the two off with a lazy wave of his hand, before letting it return to the soft fur of his pet, his faithful companion -Dark Nation. Reno and Rude scurried out of his office relieved their meeting was finally over. Being in the same room for more than five minutes with that man was suffocating. You had no idea when he would just get bored of you and dispose of you with the flick of his wrist. 

"How can a man be so terrifying." Reno commented as chills ran down his spine. 

"I agree. In any case we need to gather some SOLDIERs." Rude said walking beside Reno. The two entered the info room to see the lists of available SOLDIERS they had. Reno's eyes quickly scanned over the lists and he groaned aloud as his eyes settled on a few names.

"Problem?" Rude asked with a raised brow. Reno face palmed and nodded at his friend.

"Looks like we're taking that so called 'puppy', Angeal, and that woman who really pisses me off, Lightning was it? Genesis, that stuck up kid Noel and the nerd Hope. Is this a joke or are they just trying to piss me off!?" Reno crushed the list in his hand and threw it at the wall. He sighed and got his act together. "Whatever man, let's just get this damn mission over with." He said with Rude nodding in agreement. 


I have edited this chapter finally! Hopefully it has better structure and less spelling mistakes!  Black-RoseAlice

Zombie Girl | Final Fantasy + Kingdom HeartsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ