Zombie Girl XVIII. Unveiled

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Shit. Shit. Shit!

Wide panicked eyes were shared among the group as they all froze in their places, including yourself. 

How had ShinRa found you so quickly!? You had barely even left the bar for a couple hours!

Unless...They had known where you were the whole time, and had decided to act in case they would rile up the bees nest you were taking refuge within. Avalanche were enemies to ShinRa, of course they didn't want to deal with the group that would cause them more hassle than they needed. Better strike when they were separated. 

Three armed soldiers dressed in the cavalry uniform stormed into the small store, all pointing their firearms up and ready to fire at movement. Behind them came the red headed menace you had so desperately been trying to get away from.

"Well lookie here. What have I found?" A familiar voice spoke laced with threat and a hint of annoyance. "A little runaway test subject."

Your lungs seized at the sudden confusion shared between the members of Avalanche and the others. 

No, no, no. Don't tell them, don't tell them!

"And she's with Avalanche, of all the people you could have run too." He spat in distaste, eyeing the group hatefully. Reno made his grudge quite clear. A bald suited up male came in behind Reno, dark shades covering his eyes. His partner perhaps.

You eyed the soldiers that surrounded you, specifically the ones in Cavalry uniforms, as they were the ones you needed to look out for. 

"And you weren't able to catch me with your own soldiers, so you went to the guardian corps for help." You said monotonously. 

Yes that's it, get him to pay attention to you, and not the others so perhaps they could slip away. Not that you would admit your enjoyment of riling the red head up. It gave you a strange satisfaction to see his face contort in rage as he glared at you. You didn't feel it suited him, yet it was an enjoyment to watch. 

He sent you the dirtiest glare he could muster, his fists clenching at his sides.

"You're not exactly in a position to be cocky." Reno sneered. 

"Neither are you!" Tifa interjected, her eyes guarded and body ready in a fighting stance. "You have no right to point weapons at us, as we haven't broken any rules! This is a place full of civilians too."

"No, but I have business with this one here, which is none of your concern." Reno bit back, taking a cautious step forward. 

Tifa and the others glanced at you obvious confusion swimming on each of their expressions. Reno was right, this was none of their business, you had only put them in the middle of it and now you had to get them out.

For a moment you thought they would stand down, realising that people would get hurt if a fight broke out, civilians passing in the street and all. They had no need to waste their energy on a girl they barely knew, someone they had sheltered for a few days. 

That was until Cloud took an intimidating step forth, a strong determined look on his face.

"This is our turf, so anything on it makes it our business."  

You could only stare in shock as the others nodded along with in agreement, even the four you had only just met.

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