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I woke up to a sudden pull at my ankle, trying to drag me away and I instantly start panicing and kick my feet everywhere and anywhere. With each kick there's still a grip on my ankle so I kick harder.


Kick Kick


Kick Kick

"Stop!" The person shouts as each kick makes contact with their body. "It's me!" A voice, that I use to always get sick of(Sometimes I still do), screams out. I instantly stop kicking and look up at my little sister, Veronica. "Ronnie!" I exclaim, jumping up from my laying position to attack her in a hug.

Though, we have our differences that doesn't stop our sister bond from growing. I will always love my sister and protect her at all costs.

"Ok, as much as I've missed you, I don't want to be late for school, Bella. Please." She says after a minute of hugging, I step back and give a smile, "You've grown, my dear little sister" I say patting her head, which she rolls her eyes at with a smile.

"Wh-" Ronnie goes to say but she gets cut off, by a very shocked and confused Mother, "Bella? What are you doing here?." I turn my head to face her, Maybe she doesn't want Ronnie or Dad to know, "I just came to-" I say but get cut off by footsteps walking into the room. "Hola mi amor" Dad says giving Mom a kiss on the cheek and then looks up at Ronnie and I. "Ver-Bella! How did you get in?" He says obviously shocked, "Nice to see you to Dad" I say as Ronnie grabs her purse and walks towards the front door. "I'm leaving for school now. Bye" Ronnie yells walking away, "and that's my que. Ciao!" I say grabbing my jacket, following behind Ronnie.

"Actually, I need to talk to you Bella. My office 10minutes" Dad says stopping me in my track, I turn around to face him. He points over at two doors in the corner before he starts walking towards the doors, I sigh falling down onto the couch behind me.

"Come and eat, Bella" I hear Mom say from behind me, I sit up turning my head to face her. Mmmmm, scambled eggs and bacon. I jump up and make my way to the table, sitting in front of her. Digging in, I could feel the air around us getting awkward. "How've you been" Mom says as I bite into my bacon. "Good" I say giving a slight smile, "So, obviously Ronnie and Dad didn't know I was coming to Riverdale" I say scooping some egg onto my fork. "Well, your arrival was a surprise to them, especially me" She says cutting into her toast. I look up at her. Especially me! What's that suppose to mean! "Wait. You didn't know I was coming?" I say putting my fork down, Mom starts to laugh a little "No. I think that's what I mean by you surprised us all Mija" She says smiling, I leaned forward onto my elbows. "Mom, it's just us you don't have to pretend" I whisper leaning my head forward so only she can hear me. "Pretend about what?" She says her voice getting quiet. "The letter. Saying you needed my help" I whisper again. She puts her knife and fork down. "Mija. I didn't send you a letter" She says, I felt like I was being swallowed into my chair. I just fell into a trap.

I got up from my seat and walked straight towards the doors Dad has disappeared into a few minutes ago. As I stepped into his office, I was immediately met by a wine tray. "Please take a seat" Dad says, I look over at the seats in front of the desk and take the one on the left.

"Cut to the point old man. I know you wrote that letter. Now, what do you want?" I say crossing my legs leaning back against the chair. Dad looks up at me while he grabs a folder out, "I need you to enroll into Riverdale High"

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