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"Shit!" He cursed, "LET'S GO!" he shouted shortly after.

The squad had packed up and taken off into the squad cars to Los Angeles. Sirens went off and the Carson the street tried their best to give way as they passed. The group was fixing any needed things before the squad car stopped and they hopped out and stormed the streets of LA, but the one thing that was different about them was that Alexis had told them that they would blend better if they were in regular clothing.

The protesters who were originally there had become aware of the high alert the police were in and started to pack up their things to quickly leave; not wanting to be arrested for their illegal protest.

Alexis POV

The officers scoured the streets and hid, Making a mental note of anyone they believe was a part of the gang. Luke and another high ranking officer accompanied the General, making sure that he was absolutely safe and well protected.

I took cover inside of a store, pretending to be a bystander who wanted a cup of tea. I kept an eye out in the streets- especially for- Blade.

The gang had taken spots in LA, also hidden amongst the crowd. The only difference is that they wore a face mask to cover their mouths, to hide their identity a bit more without blocking their view.

Blade's POV

"I'm going back to find the General. I'm sure he is heavily guarded somewhere around here. I know they arrived, I received word that their an was spotted close by." I muttered while scanning the crowd.

"Blade and I will search through the streets looking for that one chick!" Luke suggested. I cocked my eyebrows at him.

Both had completly different agendas, but it was just a matter of time who was going to prevail first.

"Good. Get a move on it." The boss flicked his wrist before he walked off down the alleyway.

I and Luke made our way through the alleyways of LA, avoiding any potential people who were packing anything that seemed like police equipment.

"Let's sit in there!" Luke motioned to a shop close by to sit and watch. I was unpleasant about just sitting and waiting, following orders.

Alexis locked eyes on to Blade immediately when he stepped through the doors. None of them realizing who she was. They sat at the table behind Alexis so they could also stare out of the window and give orders. Alexis hand began to sweat a little bit as she tried to remain calm.

"I haven't seen a single person in a police uniform." Luke muttered. "They're not wearing any" I growled T Luke's stupidity. It wasn't long before Luke received a phone call. He quickly answered and hung it up.

"They found him. He's guarded between two other officers. He's going to close it on him soon. We need to hurry up on the mission." Luke ordered. "Already on it." I muttered while glaring through the window.

During the time Blade was staring outside the window, Luke slipped a table knife into the pant pocket for later use.

Alexis POV

I slowly rose up from my chair after overhearing their conversation and made my way slowly toward the front counter. "Hi. What would you like? The girl over the counter smiled. I grabbed one of the menus next to me and folded it open to create a Small shield as I slid my identification badge across the counter. "Keep your voice down. I'm Police officer. At this very moment, everyone on this store is in danger. I recommend that you carefully and quietly get people to leave the store. The two guys in the front of the window. Offer them drinks and prolong their stay here.". I muttered before refolding the menu to be less suspicious.

"I will not allow you to get hurt. You are safe in my hands. Just be cautious and don't give away." I warned, "and I would like an iced Americano please, thanks Lovebug." I smiled before walking back to my seat.

I kept my ears on the boys, but my eyes were on the girl.

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