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Once the special Ops officers arrived back at the headquarters. Alexis was sent over to the medical unit to get her stab wound stitched up. It was only until then she remembered that Lucas had been taken to the hospital close by.


Alexis POV

I waited a bit for the doctor to arrive, but became too impatient and soon left to go see Lucas. My injure wasn't bad and would heal on its own in time, at least so I hoped.

It wasn't long until I arrived at the hospital and found Luca's room guarded. I smiled at the security and they made way for me.

Lucas was sitting up and watching the news channel to see if anything major had happened when he left.

"Oh. You're here!" He hummed when he saw me standing in the doorway. I smiled while approaching his side and sat down beside him. "How are you feeling? In pain?" He tilted his head and raised his shoulders. "It hurts, but it's nothing that I can't recover from."

"That's good to hear. Be careful more And stop making me worry about you!" I frowned.

"Stop being such a mom! Anyways how did everything go? I wasn't able to stick around to see what had happened." He asked, shifting to sit up more.

"We caught Blade, but the others fled." I shrugged.

"You caught him?! The God of destruction?! You must be kidding me Alex, you?! He exclaimed.

"You caught him?! The God of destruction?! You must be kidding me Alex, you?! He exclaimed

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"Well there is a weird part. One of his teammates stabbed him in the thigh so that he could escape. How crazy is that?"

"That doesn't sound like a teammate to me, more of an enemy."

"Right? As of now, that is one of the things I want to find out. Also, I do plan on leaving the investigation and therapy for him."

"Did you get permission from the General?"

"Not yet. But after I consult with my mentor, I don't see why not."

He is killer Alex. He is not someone who is going to open up to you easily no matter how nice and kind you are. He will try to hurt you the moment you let your guard down."

"Yes father, I know that. Just wait and see. Anyways I need to get back to the headquarters soon. I'm going to take a sneek peek of him first before going back. See ya!"

I smiled as I left the hospital room and walked down the hallway. The more I walked down the louder the arguing became. The security was doubled outside the doors, I greeted the guards with a smile, but was stopped at the door.

I looked up at the guard whom I had seen around the front gates back at the office. "Captain, I suggest you stay out of there. I know it's not my place to tell you what to do, but this guy is a real Monster." He tried to warn me.

"I appreciate you concern for me, but I have to check in on him. He is going to be my responsibility soon." I smiled before walking past the guards into the room, shutting it behind me.

Blade's eyes locked with mine burning with anger. I greeted him with smile on my face. I took seat across the room and stared at him.

"Are you doing okay? That wound was pretty bad." I asked sweetly.

He ignored me, continued to kill me with his eyes.

"Are you not going to talk to me?"


"Alright then. I'll just leave if you won't talk to me."

Blade continued to glare at me, his hands and feet restrained to the hospital bed to prevent him from hurting anyone and fleeing.


Damn... This chapter is choppier than the last.
But I hope you got an idea about what will happen ahead.

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