on my own

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I'm finally happy on my own.

Everyday i see this on a wrinkled sticky note on my mirror. Sometimes I see it and I embrace it and other times I stress about it all day, wondering if I made the right decision. Deep down I know I did.
   What am I talking about, you may be wondering? My recent termination of a 7 month relationship with a tattooed, college pothead. This guy was my muse, but he started getting.. "out of hand"? It was becoming too much so I ended it. The positives outweigh the negatives, but as a hopelessly romantic homo sapien, it's my job to make the worse decisions for myself.
  I am a 20 year old digital artist who went to college for 2 years and got too overwhelmed. I work from home now, a small apartment in upstate New York (I know, classic.) and I have 2 cats. I'm slowly becoming a crazy cat lady and it's scaring me.
  Where this story starts is me staring into my mirror, as mentioned, gazing from my tired face to the sticky note. I read it over and over and realize that "on my own" doesn't, in fact, mean "lonely" and i decide that i'll get out of the house. I make myself a bowl of oatmeal and walk out to the deck that faces a small park.
   I love to people watch, and it sounds weird but it's so interesting to imagine what the people are talking about, what's going on in their lives, etc.

  Once i've finished my breakfast and fed my cats, I get dressed into blue skinny jeans, and a long sleeved grey shirt. (Pretty "loner" outfit, right?) I then fix my (h/c) hair to not look like it did, and put on a warm hat, as it's only early spring and it's kind of cold. As i'm walking out the door, I grab my keys and head to my car, where I drive downtown and try to find a parking spot close to the local coffee shop.

Lighter Thief (PyrocynicalxReader)Where stories live. Discover now