Proverbial "Girls Night"- part 2

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     I walk my way over to the bedroom with a glass of stale wine, and open my laptop on the bed. My cats jump up and I smile as they meow as a plea for attention. I run to the kitchen and grab all the snacks I can find and settle into the cozy blankets. I check my phone once more and there's nothing. I sigh and decide that it's probably for the best. I look out the window where Cat Stevens walked to, and notice its raining. Perfect.
As I lay my head down on the pillow, I take a deep breath.
         Why do I fall so fast?
  I open Netflix, and look for a super cheesy movie that will definitely make me cry and stuff my face with snacks. After tonight, I refuse to let myself get too attached. It's official. No more being a softie. I'm gonna have to toughen up if I want to survive past my thirties.
  I drift off to sleep half way through the notebook with a cat on my lap and a bag of Skittles in my hand.
    Sweet snacks and sweet tears.

(next morning..)
I woke up to what I thought was the sound of my front door clicking closed around 5am, but when I walked to the living room, there was no sign of any entrance or burglary. I had a terrible headache and a stuffy nose from crying so I decided to sulk my way back to bed.
I'm not sure what about this screamed "safety" to me, but I was tired.
I woke up again around 8am, forgetting completely about the door. I slid out of bed and stretched in my mirror and I examined my disheveled look. I needed a shower as a pick-me-up. I grab the bottom of my t shirt and pull it up over my head, and onto the floor. I yawn and walk out of my bedroom towards the bathroom, stripping out of my sweatpants in the hall. I really do love living alone. No breach of privacy when nobody is around.
I always check to make sure the door is locked before I get in the shower, because that's just too vulnerable for me. I turn around and walk to the living room and when I turn the corner I see Niall sleeping on my couch.
I practically jumped out of my skin and let out a high pitched squeak which ended up startling him awake. His messy bed head fell over his eyes as he put his arms out, ready to protect himself.
"What th- what the hell are you doing??" I frantically question.
"I- I jus-" he stops in his tracks and he's not looking at me.
I look down, and I realize that I'm practically naked, and I rush over to the couch and grab one of the blankets to cover myself with.
"And why are you walking around with no clothes on?" Niall inquires after he composes himself.
"Um.. this is MY house. Did you forget while you were catching Z's??" I sound more upset that I wish I had. It's really good to see him. But also, he broke into my house.
"'catching z's'?" he mocks me lightly, standing up from the couch and walking slowly over. I know I'm blushing fat this point but I can't control it around him. I force myself to back up as he approaches me and he stops in his tracks.
"That's what my mom always sa- just.. just shut up. Why are you here? In my house? In the states??" I have so many questions and realize they're flowing out before I can even think of what I'm saying out loud. "Where did you go? Why would you ignore me for so long? You had me so worried.."
He looked guilty at this point, and although a part of me wanted to console him, I had to keep my promise to myself that I will be tougher. For me and nobody else.
"I can promise you.. I know I didn't- ugh. It's.. it's so fucking complicated, (Y/N)," he stutters over his excuses as he runs his fingers through his soft hair and I can't help but want to reach up and do the same thing.
No. You're not dating. He may have just played you. Until he gives some serious answers, you have to keep yourself together, (Y/N).
   "(Y/N), you have to understand. I didn't want any of this mess to happen, and I never- well.. I never expected to meet you here, so it just makes things more complicated.."
"Oh. And that's supposed to make me feel better? You didn't expect to meet me and I'm a complication?" I realize I'm kind of spiraling but I can't really control what I'm saying anymore.
"No! That's not what I'm saying at all!"
"Well, you kinda just said that," I say quietly.
"Ugh.. (Y/N), you know how bad I am with stuff like this. I just wanna go back to having fun and being happy with each other, okay?"
"I don't- I don't know what you want from me. Please, if not for your sake then mine, tell me the truth. I just need to know. Just... just be honest. Please." I can hear myself tearing up in my voice, and I'm worried I'm getting too emotional when Niall runs over to me a crushes me in a breath-taking hug.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). It's really not... it's not a big deal anymore. That's why I'm here." he whispers this into my ear and it makes me shudder. "Come sit with me? I'll explain everything. Start to finish."
I nod as he pulls away and we sit on the couch, facing each other.
"Okay," he sighs, "so. I have this girlfriend. Well, okay, no. I had a girlfriend. Up until about 20 hours ago. Her name was Bianca and it was pretty serious, I guess," he trailed off a bit, and I had this gut-wrenching feeling growing. I didn't break them up, did I?
Why are you blaming yourself? Nobody told you.
"So, when I came here, and I met you, I was so confused. I just... I didn't know what I wanted anymore. Everything about me changed when I met you, and so couldn't think about anyone but you. Bianca became someone I saw once in a while for a coffee or a movie, but nothing more, and she got pretty upset when I figured we should just break it off," he looked me in the eyes at the part about me and I could feel tears welling in my eyes.
"Please don't tell me I- please. I didn't make you guys- break up right?" I feel sick.
"No! God, no. I hadn't been happy for a while, but I didn't have any reason to ruin what was steady. I didn't want to hurt her. That's why the guys didn't tell you. They knew I needed something else in my life. Someone else."
  I look down at my hands and a few tears drop from my eyes onto my palms. I can't believe this is happening. Days of nervousness to find out he broke up with a girlfriend for me?
"So, why are you here?" I finally ask.
"To see you? To make things right? To try and fix what I fucked up in what felt like negative .2 seconds," he chuckles nervously.
"I.. I don't really know what to say, honestly," I say, feeling a little lighter. I sniffle as I continue to look down at my fiddling fingers.
"Hey.. (Y/N)?" Niall breaks a silence after what felt like forever.
"Yeah..?" I ask timidly, my eyes still averted away from him.
"You wanna.."
I look up at him and he leans forward. We are so close now, I can feel his breath on me.
"You wanna be my girlfriend?" He finally asks.
I bite my lip, holding back an ecstatic smile, and jump on him, knocking him to his back on the couch with the blanket still wrapped around my shoulders.
And I kissed him. Hard.
It was a kiss that was meant to be. One that was long awaited and happily acted upon.
And he kissed me back.

Lighter Thief (PyrocynicalxReader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant