saying goodbye

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((a/n: holy shit 400 reads thank you so much for everything! also i need opinions: i want to start a youtube channel really bad but i'm camera shy what do i do/do i start one anyway? let me know. ALSO I NEVER UPLOAD IM SO SORRY ok anywayyyy~))

Once Niall returns from the bathroom, he comes in and sits on the bed next to me, seeing what I'm looking at on my phone. I shift my eyes without being noticed to see him looking genuinely interested in what I'm typing on my phone. I hold back a smile and continue typing a tweet about some political problem.
"I'm really glad I met you." he finally breaks the silence.
"Yeah, me too." I smile, staring into his eyes.
It was so quiet, but it was a comfortable silence and we both knew that. Suddenly, we both noticed that our faces were slowly getting closer and closer...
And then Roman ran into my room and belly flopped on top of both of us, smiling goofily and me, wheezing and giggling like a mad person. Soon, all of the guys in the apartment heard the laughter of a dog pile and followed the trend until I could barely breathe.
"Ge- HAHA!! Get off!!!" I screamed with the only breath I had left.
They all rolled off and fell onto the floor, laughter filling the room. I sigh and laugh, looking over to Niall who's still on my bed and I reach out my hand. He grabs it and squeezes it, smiling.
"We should probably get you guys to the airport," I sit up and run my fingers through my hair. They all sigh and groan and I laugh.
"This just means that it'll be so much more exciting when we see each other again." I try to mend the situation.
After about an hour, everyone is ready to go and we bring all of our stuff to the car.
"Okay guys," I hand the boys my phone and the aux cord. "Pick something good or it's over for you," I laugh.
They don't pick good things.
The first song is Bitch Lasagna by Pewdiepie, they played that one parody of My House but it's minecraft, and some other stuff I've never heard. All in all, a laughter erupting car trip.

When we arrive at the airport, I help them get their stuff out and inside and sit with them while we wait for their flight. After a couple hours of sitting on our phones, I hear that their flight is departing. I walk with them to the entrance and we say our goodbyes.
"I loved spending time with you, (Y/N)," Alex hugs me.
"Thanks so much for having us." Roman smiles.
"Thank you guys for coming over! I still can't believe I met you all." I smile and hug all of them.
I look at Niall and he runs his fingers through his hair. "thanks, (Y/N). For everything." he hugs me super tight and I rest my head on his chest. We both pull away and they walk away, waving. I wave back and smile. I turn away and pull out my phone and put my earbuds in, turning on Sycamore Girl by Rex Orange County. Suddenly, I'm turned around by two big hands holding my shoulders and I see Niall.
I'm cut off by him kissing me. Fireworks. Everywhere. The song playing and the world stopping is the only way to describe it.
He pulls away and runs back to the group of boys and waves to me. I'm shocked and I weakly wave back. I turn when I see they're gone and do a little happy dance with a smile spreading ear to ear. What just happened?

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