time and time again

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(a.n. poop i haven't updated in a while i'm sorry haha. i haven't even been busy just big phat writers block- i'll try to keep this daily but no promises UwU)
After I went back to get my car and drove home, I decided to take a shower and get changed for tonight.
I honestly had know clue what I was going to wear but I thought that it wasn't going to be a super huge deal, so I chose something casual. I looked in the mirror and saw a petit girl wearing mom jeans and a crop top with a rainbow on it. I threw on my black Vans and a tan colored teddy bear coat, grabbed a plaid blanket and then headed out.
The movie was literally just below my apartment, so I could walk there which was nice. I waited on my patio until I saw them and I walked down.
When they saw me they all waved and smiled and I did the same, greeting all of them as I would if i'd known them forever. I give Alex a high five and we find a place to sit. The blanket is ginormous and we can all fit on it, which I'm thankful for because they didn't bring anything.

Niall and George left to get popcorn and drinks for everyone and so I sat next to Alex and we started chatting about random stuff. It turns out that they were here for YouTube Space New York, which is basically a creator workshop convention. We talked about where each of us were from, and about ourselves and I became pretty well acquainted with them in the 15 minutes that we were conversing.
Eventually, Niall and George came back and they started throwing popcorn at each other while walking back and I just sat and laughed at them. Before Niall sat down, Tom leaned over to him and told him something. Niall then came and sat next to me, and I scooted over so he had enough room on the end of the blanket.
He seemed to be uncomfortable so I tried to lighten the mood by snatching the popcorn from him and smiling. The movie starts to play after what seems like forever, and I realize that I never asked what the movie was. It turns out that the boys decided on: Tangled. They claim it was the only thing playing that was good, and that we cannot undeveloped seen G-Force or something worse, but I just laughed and ignored their excuses.
I lean back on my hands and a few moments later Niall does the same and (accidentally?) puts his hands over mine. He automatically freaks out and pulls back whispering "i'm sorry" so many times I couldn't count. But while he was becoming more flustered by the second, I grabbed his hand and held it. I look up to him and his face goes from a look or shock to comfort and I smile, staring for a moment and then looking back to the movie, blushing.
By the time the movie was over, I was wiping a few tears from my face and sniffling. The boys stare and giggle quietly.
"Are you okay?" Alex asks between laughs.
"Ugh.. I'm fiiine. Disney movies can eat my ass." I giggle, sniffling.

{Niall's POV}
As she says this, I laugh and Roman looks at me and winks. I whisper 'no', but before I can stop him has had to go and open his mouth.
"Disney's not the only one!" He says, cracking up and all of the boys fall into each other in laughter. I can feel my face getting hotter.
"Shut the fuck up, Roman." I laugh, dragging my fingers through my hair. I see (Y/N) look up at me and she's laughing so I smile and wink at her, trying to lighten the mood and make a joke out of my embarrassment.

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