im still writing i swear

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I've decided that I want to just like...multi-post chapters of ACAWCGWB 2.0 and Ephraim along with a few other things so that's why there's a delay. I'm a relatively slow writer. In the meantime, here's some things you have to look forward to:

- That one apocalypse story that now has a multitude of wonderful boys who wear masks and make amazing survival tactics apparently.
- A gay lil story about two sweet and amazing boys who actually aren't so sweet and probably need some sort of counseling.
- Another lil story about a girl who will fight you at all costs, quotes Homer most of the time, and tries to help her best friend come out in a very extravagant manner (that backfired majorly).
- Marius being gay again.
- My precious little gay daughters saving the world with their soft samurai boyfriend and his lover and that lover's secret husband but it's not a secret at all.

Okay, wow, that sounds like a lot but most of those are short stories that should be coming soon! So, in conclusion, stay tuned if you're digging it and uh...yeah that's about all I got.

~ Cel

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