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"Friends" from this year's school year.

First there's my A-hole ex best friends

BFF #1 #2 and #3

Not looking foward to seeing their faces next year. And I SWEAR, if they're in my class 😤

Then there's Miranda.

She wasn't really my friend, I talked to her sometimes tho. Then she started being smart and rude. Probably because this guy had a bad influence on her.


He was like a back up "friend". We made fun of eachother A LOOOOT. I mostly make fun of his height. But we sat together in Art class and Science. So yeah he's alright. He gave me money and stuff. Also he's kinda annoying, but not too annoying.

Bryan(My crush)

He's an A-hole as well, but not in a way that I'd hate him LIKE MY FAKE FRIENDS! Why do I have a crush on him then? It's called hormones.

I......think that's it.

Yeah, that's how much of a loser I am.


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