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We're doing another TTG rant....yeah.

I hate TTG defenders.

Well I don't hate them as people, I just think their argument is stupid.


Well, they think this is a good excuse.

"iT's JuSt FoR kIDs"


If they think that's good excuse, then.......I don't even know lol

Here's why I think it's bad.

Just because the show is for kids, doesn't mean they can just throw in lazy humor and fart jokes in their show. I mean, not all kids are gonna think that's funny. I'm a kid, I DON'T THINK IT'S FUNNY! TTG shares a network with Steven Universe which is also a kids show, that doesn't have that type of humor. They think that fart jokes will automatically make kids laugh, that's just lazy writing. It's just makes kids look like airheaded idiots who laugh at anything cough cough TTG lovers cough cough

Maybe TTG would have been better off if they didn't use DC characters in the first place. Maybe the creators could've used OG characters and just left Teen Titans alone. They even admitted that they've never seen the original show.

Get what I'm saying.


RANDOM THINGS THE TREQUEL!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora