Chapter 1: Save Him

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Samandriel's POV

"Samandriel..." I heard a faint whisper, "wake up."

Just like that, I snapped awake. My heart was beating like crazy. I had the same vessel. I could feel the "Weiner Hut" hat still on my head. There was darkness everywhere.

"What is going on?" I heard a voice from behind me. I snapped my neck around. I saw someone who looked just like my vessel.

"H-how is that even possible?" I stuttered.

"You would be too scared of my actual form you see," the thing continued, "so I chose a form you might recognize. I'm guessing you do recognize your vessel don't you."

"It's like... looking in a mirror I guess," I tried hard not to stutter anymore, "I feel like that would be something a human said."

"Yeah I guess that analogy works," it started, "though it's way more intense than that. You're seeing an exact copy of yourself even a mirror isn't 100% accrute and I look like the angel part of you. Anyways I feel like this is enough talking let's get down to business."

"What business?" I asked.

"God or well Chuck told me to send you to Earth but only after telling you what you must do," it said.

"Wait..." I began, "God wants me back."

"Actually needs you back. He says it's for his sanity but I never even knew he had one," it continued on.

"Well," I jumped on the opportunity to talk, "what does he need me to do?"

"Oh, you angels always at his beck and call."

"What about you then?" I asked, then I decided to maybe push it too far, "aren't you doing what he asks? To tell me what I need to do and then send me to Earth? God needs me to do this. He trusts me, so I trust him. So I swear on my father tell me what he wants me to do."

"Fine," it said though obviously didn't want to, "he wants you to save a human from hell..."

I cut him off, "Why would he care about one human? Why couldn't he trust an angel that's alive."

"Well..." for once it seemed to be feeling sorry, "none of the other angels would do it, and well he knew you would... and he can't handle how bad this human has been damaged. Lucifer tortured him in the cell and then Micheal did when he got bored and he was way worse than Lucifer."

"H-he was tortured by arch-angels?" I began to stutter again.

"Yes badly."

"I won't be able to save him or even if I could he would be hurt too much. He's too far gone I can't truly save him."

"God knows you can."

And just like that, I was on Earth. I didn't recognize it at first but I was truly back.

I felt for my grace. I could feel it's warmth and it healed me better than even God could. I tried listening to angel radio... but there was nothing. What all happened while I was gone?

Naomi's POV

I felt the pressure increase. Someone was trying to use angel radio but no angel has in what seems like forever. I got all angels that were in heaven to gather around and even Castiel appeared.

"I know power in heaven isn't at it's greatest right now but someone needs to figure out what's going on and they aren't going alone," I spoke.

"I'll go," Castiel said, "and I'll bring the Winchesters."

The Hunters and Their Angels (Destiel/Sabriel/Adamandriel)Where stories live. Discover now