Chapter 2: Saving Adam

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Samandriel's POV

The Winchesters and Castiel brought me back to their bunker. They said I shouldn't try to do anything without a plan and that heaven must know what's going on. I got my own room. I wasn't sure what to do with it. So, I made it ready for when Adam comes.

I'm not sure what he likes exactly but I put stuffed animals on the bed. Posters of animals around the room. I mean who could look at these and not be happy.

I just waited for what was to come next. Of course, I was going to save him but what if heaven says no. What happens then? Will I survive rebelling against it? To go after him anyways. I know God told me to do this but it seemed to get more personal ever second. It's not just for God it's for Adam. I felt so much pain. I can't even begin to understand what he must be feeling. To understand what Micheal does to him and how much it hurts.

Of course, I can always heal him on the outside... but the inside... the part that will hurt the most. I began to feel worse. What if I couldn't completely save him?

Dean walked into the room he was about to say something when he noticed the posters and stuffed animals he looked confused and took his time and looked around. He shook his head and said, "Anyways, you have a visitor. Follow me."

I stood up off the bed and followed Dean. Into an area that was like a library and had tables and a staircase that leads to the entrance. I saw Sam, Dean, and Castiel but someone else was there. Naomi was back.

I wanted to go back in the room now and Naomi must have seen what her presence was doing to me because she said, "Listen Samandriel I've changed. Seeing heaven at it's lowest point has changed me. We need every last angel. Including you or all of heaven's souls will fall back to Earth."

"But we're supposed to guard their souls so they..." I didn't know what to say.

"There is hardly any angels left. I understand that God has trusted you with a mission. It's just..."

I cut her off, "You don't want me to save him."

"It's not that I don't want you to save him. It's just we need you."

"Well, you aren't going to have me until he is safe." I began the path back to the room. I didn't know what to do know.

Naomi was still alive. Why couldn't of Castiel killed her when he had the chance or at least throw her in angel jail.

I didn't notice that anyone came in but I heard Castiel's voice, "Listen, I don't exactly trust her either but we need every last angel to help with heaven.

"I understand brother," I began, "it's just I have to save him. I need to save him.

"And you will," Castiel started, "just maybe not as soon as you hoped."

I felt sad. I wanted to cry. No this couldn't be happening. I needed to save Adam. For God, For Adam, For Me.

I didn't know what else to do. I ran past Castiel and I didn't stop running until I was outside of the bunker and far beyond. I wish I never lost my wings. Wait a minute... they were there. I could feel them. God must have given me my wings to help save Adam. Within a second and I was down in hell.

I could feel the heat from hellfire ablaze. No one was really in charge of hell anymore. Not now that all the princes of hell, Crowley, and even Lucifer were dead. So, that means there was more rebellious demons of course but nobody was guarding the cage so at least that was easier.

I felt for the rings of the horsemen. They appeared in my hand. I put it against the cage and a door appeared. Now for the hard part. To get Adam but to either make sure Micheal stays in the cage or to kill him. I didn't have an archangel blade let alone could use one effectively. So I just had to make sure he didn't get out.

I opened the door and stepped inside the cage. I saw him. I saw Adam. He was curled in a ball in a corner. He looked to be in so much pain and was crying. I saw Micheal smiling above the broken Adam.

Micheal could sense my gaze and turned to meet me, "Oh another angel trying to save another pathetic human. Even if you can get him out of my grasp you'll never save him."

"That part Micheal isn't true," I began, "God sent me to save him. He knows I can save him. Brother, let me take him. You are an archangel and you always took God's words seriously."

"That was until he abandoned me too."

"He didn't abandon you, Micheal. He saved himself and for once he is now happy with his sister. You got yourself in this mess but you don't have to drag others along.

"Fine," Micheal roared, "take him but let me out."

"I don't know if I can," I protested.

"Then you can't have him."

I couldn't let Adam just stay here, "Fine, if you promise me three things."

"Depends what are these three things?"

"One, you return heaven to its former glory. We don't have a lot of angels anymore and if it keeps going on heaven will shut down and all souls will fall back to Earth and we can't have that."

"Fine, I promise I will return heaven to its former glory. Now, what are the other two conditions?"

"Two, you let angels keep having free will to help when help is needed but to let them follow their own destiny."

"Fine, what's the last one?"

"That you will never harm another human being and you will leave Adam alone especially while he is recovering."

"Fine, I promise all three things. Now get me out of here and you can have him all you want," he pointed towards Adam while he was speaking and I redirected my gaze to fall on him again. I felt so bad and I didn't want him to feel this pain. I know I was going to help him. I had to. I was going to save Adam Milligan.

I returned Adam to the bunker and laid him down on the bed around all of the stuffed animals.

"I hope he likes this," I thought.

I went to the library room again and I saw Dean and Sam and they saw me.

"Cas you might want to get over here," Dean yelled to Cas.

Cas ran into the room, "Where were you?"

"In hell."

"What?!" Sam exclaimed.

A smile crept to my face, "I saved Adam."

Dean was about to yell at me but I walked away I could sense that Adam was waking up.


Thank you so much to the people who have been reading this!!! I can't believe anyone wants to even read my stories but eh!!!

Anyways I want to thank people for sticking around for reading this chapter. And there will be another chapter coming out again soon!!! And trust me there will be Adamandriel around soon... and don't worry in 2 or 3 more chapters there will be Destiel and I have plans for Sabriel!!!

Thanks again!!!

The Hunters and Their Angels (Destiel/Sabriel/Adamandriel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora