Chapter 3: Adam

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Adam's POV

I woke up with my heart beating and my limbs shaking. I was in a... wait where am I? I looked around the room. I seemed to be in a bedroom and from the looks of it underground. I saw posters of animals and on the bed next to be was stuffed animals. Whoever's room this is must love animals.

"Do you like it?" I heard a familiar voice say, "It's a new form of torture I'm trying out," I heard his deep and cruel laugh, "have fun while you can." The door opened and Micheal stopped talking.

I saw someone who was wearing a Weiner Hut hat and outfit.

"Who are you?" I asked getting ready to defend myself if needed.

He smiled. He seemed to be nice but so have others in the past and they didn't work out very well.

"I'm Samandriel I'm an angel of the lord and I'm the one who raised you from perdition."

Wait... he was the one who brought me back from hell... but wait didn't Micheal say I'm still in hell and this was just another way of him torturing me.

"That's impossible," I said while calming down a little. I felt as if I could trust angel. Not all angels were trustworthy but he seemed different from the others. This must be a way Micheal is trying to use to torture me. I made a mental note to try not get involved with anyone Micheal sent to me so he could never use it against me.

Someone else ran into the room and my heart quickly started beating faster. Then I saw his face. It was Dean. Dean Winchester. My older brother. He seemed shocked to see me... I mean I don't blame him. No stop this brain he isn't real everything here isn't real. This is just Micheal trying to use you. But Dean... he looked so real. Within seconds Sam also ran in. Then Castiel came.

"Adam?" Sam said shocked and kinda relieved somehow.

I relaxed my limbs and tried to settle down, "Y-yeah it's me," I stuttered it out. I mean they may not be real but I definitely am and it's me I'm still Adam. I looked back and forth between them all. All of them were shocked to see me except my angel he was smiling at me. It wasn't a cruel smile. He just looked happy to see me alive... but I didn't really know who he was other than his name was Samandriel,

"Alfie," Dean said anger in his voice, "not that I'm not glad to see see him but why did you do this?"

The smile on Samandriel's face disappeared he looked sadly at Dean, "I had to Dean."

"But what if he was worse than Sam was when he came back from the cage," Dean snapped back thought I could feel he was worried about me.

Why did this all seem so real???

"Dean," Castiel said as he put an arm on Dean's shoulder, "we can help him just like we helped Sam."

"But you weren't you after you took it away from Sam and God help me but I'm not letting you or him," he pointed at Samandriel, "do that ever again."

"Wait," I said as everyone focused their attention on me, "what the hell is going on? I'm so confused."

Sam was the one who told me, "You were stuck in the cage with Micheal and Lucifer even after I left. Eventually Lucifer got out but you were still in there with Micheal and we have no idea how bad he was to you."

"It was bad," Samandriel said for me, "God let me know that."

"Wait, God wanted me back?" I asked.

"He felt so bad for you," Samandriel said and sat down on the edge of the bed next to me. He was very close. I looked into his eyes as he continued, "He couldn't take it that none of the angels were helping you. So, he brought me back to life and told me to save you."

"Okay," I said looking down. This didn't really make sense but then again my life never does. Oh god, why did this feel so real?

"I know I did well with making everything feel realistic," I snapped my head up at Micheal, "none of this is real."

"Then why are you telling me?" I asked and I notice that everyone else was looking at me strangely.

But he answered, "Because it's what makes the game more fun. Toodles." He then disappeared and I looked back at everyone else.

"Was Micheal just here?" Dean asked.

I nodded, "How did you know?"

"It's what happened with Sam but instead of Micheal he has Lucifer in his head," Dean answered.

"Is that the kind of help you guys meant?" I asked.

Castiel nodded, "I took Lucifer out of Sams head and then it took awhile for me to heal from it."

Dean continued off of what Cas said, "and since you were in the cage for a lot longer you're going to be a lot worse and maybe even an angel won't be able to heal from it."

"But don't worry," I looked over at Samandriel again. I stared into his eyes. His amazingly beautiful blue eyes, "We will help you and we are here for you and you will recover." He seemed so determined.

My thoughts drifted of for a second and I thought, "I wonder what he looks like in something else and not this Weiner Hut outfit."

"He'd look amazing hot," Micheal said. I looked at the ground so they didn't know something was going on and so they wouldn't worry, "come on it may not be real but everything will feel real. Go on live a little. Have some fun." Before a I knew it Micheal was inches from me. I felt his breath crawling on my neck and I could see him in my peripheral vision.

"Are you okay?" Samandriel asked as he put a hand on my shoulder. I looked over at his eyes, those amazing blue eyes.

I smiled as I lied, "At the moment I'm good." Just then did Micheal disappear again.

Nobody said anything while I was looking at the ground... I gave it a minute but still when no one else said anything I decided to, "Can I have some time alone please?" I looked up at my brothers and Castiel.

"Yeah of course," Sam said. Dean walked out on that cue and so did Cas but Samandriel didn't move, "Alfie just give him some time alone. I needed some of it when I was going through stuff too." Samandriel just nodded his head sadly and walked out without looking back. Sam gave me a "I'm sorry" look as he closed the door behind him.

I laid back down on my bed as I pushed my body up farther so my head was on a pillow. I close my eyes for a second.

I heard a voice and instantly tensed up, "Why how it it back on 'Earth'?" Sam went through something like too. So maybe this was the part that was fake. I dug my nails in to my skin. To show that I was hear that I could feel the pain.

"Eh nice trick," Micheal said as he disappeared for the final time that day.


I know I keep updating this story and like a lot it's just I have lots of ideas but I want the story's plot to be smooth tho and don't want too long of chapters. I was debating if I was going to put more stuff in this chapter but then I was like it's about the same amount of words as my previous chapters so I'll just have to write it in my next chapter... Also, do you want me to keep doing these Author Notes at the end of each chapter or nah???

The Hunters and Their Angels (Destiel/Sabriel/Adamandriel)Where stories live. Discover now