Chapter 4: Adam's Really Back

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Adam's POV

I woke up with a start and instantly sat up. I saw Samandriel in my room and he was staring at me with curiosity.

"Where you there the entire time?" I asked him.



"You looked... I'm not sure what the word is."

"What?" I was confused.

"Adorable... yeah you looked adorable." I instantly blushed and looked down and hope he didn't notice, "Anyways Dean told me to let you know there is food in the kitchen and you're probably hungry so..."

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second. I just need to get changed." I waited for him to walk out but he didn't, "um can I have some privacy."

"Oh," he began, "Sorry, yeah I'll go." His innocence was kinda cute. Oh god... was I crushing... yeah I was crushing. Never knew I was gay before. Eh, whatever.

Dean's POV

I felt... well I'm not sure how I felt. I was angry because what's not to be angry at. I was sad because Adam he was just like how Sam was and I didn't want someone else to go through that again. I was well I'm not sure what the word is but I've been more attracted to Castiel lately.

"Adam's up," Alfie said.

"Finally," I remarked.

"Like you can talk," Sam snapped at me. I gave him a "really was that necessary" bitch face.


Sam laughed, "Jerk." Wow has been awhile since they said that last.

Adam walked into the kitchen. He still seemed tired.

"Get your beauty rest," I snapped. He just grumbled and put the hoodie on his sweatshirt over his head. He sat down and just looked down, "wow isn't someone a little sunshine this morning?"

"Dean," Sam said sternly, "leave him be." I just rolled my eyes at him.

Samandriel's POV

I know angels weren't supposed to feel things like humans did but I'm not sure or anything but I really think I'm falling for this Adam guy.

I mean he slept so peacefully. His eyes were sky blue and just I could get lost in them. His hair I just wanted to ruffle it until it was messy. Wow I am falling in love. Is love the right word? I'm not really sure I've never felt it before.

I noticed that nobody got Adam food so I grab well it was edible... I think and put it in front of Adam.

He looked up at me with those electrifying eyes and god was he cute in that hoodie that was too big for him, "Thanks," he mumbled.

"You're welcome," I replied. We stared at each other for about 5 more seconds until he looked down at his food. I broke out of trance I was in.

But the way his lips looked they looked kissable and I wanted to push my lips against his so bad.

Castiel's POV

Adam ate and went back to his room and Samandriel followed him curiously.

"Find any cases Sammy," Dean said trying to rid the awkward silence.

"Yeah but," Sam couldn't finish what he was saying before Dean interrupted.

"But what?" Dean asked.

"I want to do this case by myself," Sam answered.

"No way in hell am I let you do that," Dean snapped, "why would you want to anyways?"

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