Chapter Six: Heaven vs. Hell

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(A/N) I'm so sorry I've been really bad mentally lately and I'm sorry for not updating like I should of been but I'm trying now so blease don't be mad anyways back to the gay fanficness

Micheal's POV

I didn't want to admit it but now I know how annoying I can be I felt sorry for Adam. Well, at least I helped him get better.

Sam's POV

"So exactly when is Adam going to be back? After the elaborate plan Gabriel had. How is he even still alive?" Dean asked.

"As he says, "You can't trick the trickster,"" I replied, "and he should be back soon."

"Exactly how long is soon?" Dean asked.

"I'm not sure just soon," I replied.

"Heya Sammy," and just like that Gabriel appeared with Adam. Adam looked really sick. As soon as Gabriel let go of his shoulder he collapsed. Alfie ran over to him to make sure he was okay.

"What happened to him?" Dean asked.

"Remember when Cassie took out Luci out of Sammy's head well Micheal took Micheal out of Adam's head," Gabriel replied back. Why does he nickname us all?

"Why do you always call us that?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled, "Because you're Sammy, he's Deano, he's Cassie, he's Alfie, he's um... Addy works, and Luci is Luci and if I called Micheal anything different I'd die," he said with a smile on his face the entire time. It was kinda cute. Actually, it was definitely cute.

"I mean like why do you nickname us?" I asked.

"Would you rather me stop calling you Sammy?" he asked.

"To be honest I don't mind it from you," I answered. Dean gave me a shocked and questioning face. I don't know what it was about Gabriel... I mean Gabby... yeah that works, it's just the way his voice sounds when he says Sammy just makes my skin tingle. His beautiful golden eyes I could stare into for days and I wouldn't get distracted at all.

"Good," he replied with a wink.

Dean kept looking back and forth between us several times until he finally said, "Is there something going on that I don't know about?"

"Guys I think you are forgetting about someone," Alfie said, "again..."

"Oh yeah, fuck sorry about that Adam," Dean replied.

Adam was still on the ground and he was rubbing his head. He must've hit his head pretty hard. Alfie was kneeling next to Adam. I walked over to him and helped him up with Alfie.

"I got him from here," Samandriel said to me, "I'll take him to his room and I'll care for him."

"Okay," I said while letting go of Adam.

Adam's POV

Samandriel helped lay me down smoothly onto my bed.

Once I was laying down I said, "Hey you know earlier when I said, "Leave," it wasn't for you."

He seemed relieved, "Oh."

"You didn't know?"


I put my hand on his arm and he looked down at it, "I'd never ask you to leave, Samandriel." He made the sweetest and cutest smile. I pat the bed beside me, "come over here."

He jumped onto the bed over me and landed so gracefully. He looked so cute and so nerdy, it was adorable. I really had a thing with him in those glasses. I leaned over, I didn't know what else to do so I closed the distance. I put my lips on his. Wow did I love how soft his lips are. He's so goddamn cute it's not fair.

"Adam?" Samandriel pulled away and looked me in the eyes. Wow was his eyes so bloody beautiful.

"Y-yes?" I asked.

"I love you Adam," he whispered softly into my ear.

My face went red and I didn't know what to say. Samandriel started looking scared that I wasn't saying anything so I had to break the silence.

I looked him straight into his gorgeous eyes and answered with a, "I love you too." He smiled at me happily for that. Gosh he was so cute. I'd do anything for him honestly.

Gabriel's POV

Deano eventually walked away and Cassie eventually did too. My Sammy was still there though so I had to annoy him.

I walked up behind his and ruffled his hair, "Hello Samantha."

"Please don't touch my hair," Sammy said, "and don't call me Samantha."

"But Sammy," I pouted, "your hair is like a God's tho."

I saw my Sammy blushed at that, "Um... thank you..."

"You're welcome," I squealed with joy.

(A/N) I'm so so sorry guys this is so past schedule... and I didn't feel like rereading parts I already wrote so I might have repetition but eh whatever...
I'm thinking of starting a Brallon fanfic that ship has kind of becoming my otp again since I fell in love with Dallon's new band I Don't Know How But They Found Me. Anyways sorry again... love you all... and since I needed this when reading a fanfic before my DMs are always open if you need someone to talk to or just for anything I'm there. Bai my fellow hoomans

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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