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Family. Family means a group of people related by blood. If there's more to that meaning, I don't know it. The word "family" never meant much to me. I was the outcast in my family. What I like, they dislike. What they like, I disliked. I was different, I always was. I didn't notice it at first. No...I did notice it. I just didn't want to acknowledge it. As I got older, I drifted away from everyone, not that I was ever close to them. I never and still don't fit in with them.  Michael J. Fox says "Family is not an important thing. It's everything." I don't deny it it means a lot to me, but I just can't fit in. 

During family gatherings, The adults talk to each other and the kids play games, yet I feel awkward. I am the youngest of the oldest and the oldest of the youngest. My own cousin, who is only a month and day older than me, fits in more than me. My sister is the oldest of the oldest in our generation. I am torn apart who to go with (my younger cousins or my older ones). I don't really like family gatherings. Whenever my family has one, I just read there, listen to music and ignore everyone else, or I just hide. 

I try to be happy with what I have, but I just can't. Man.. I'm pathetic. People say that family is always there for you but I don't think they get me. I feel lonely, even when I'm not alone. I feel incomplete but I don't know why. I think I am searching for something but I don't know what.

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