To My Parents

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(Song is Silent Scream by Anna Blue.)

I'm sorry mom. Sorry Dad. 

I know I am not the daughter you want. In fact, if anything I am the farthest thing from what you want me to be. For that I am sorry. I am sorry that I always listen to music, but you don't know why I am always listening to it. The reason isn't because I want to pretend that you don't exist. Well actually that's part of the reason but not in the sense of how you are thinking. It's because you always argue with each other. It's loud and I don't feel comfortable. I listen to music to tune you guys out so I don't have to always think of you guys arguing. I try to ignore it but it's so loud. For that I'm sorry.

I am sorry I am not like my sister. I am sorry I can't get straight As and be smart. I am sorry that I'm ugly. I am sorry that I don't have a lot of friends like her. I am sorry that I can't win anything. I am sorry that my handwriting is messy. I am sorry for not liking girly stuff. I am sorry that I'm not as likable as my sister. I am sorry that I can't be like her. I can't socialize with people like her. I can't be nice like her. I can't always be happy when there's nothing to smile about. I can't act like her and I'm sorry.

I am sorry for letting you down. I am sorry for getting you upset about my grades. I am sorry that you are always disappointed in me. I know you want me to try new things so I could be good at something. I feel so much pressure from your expectations that sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating. I am afraid to tell you though. 

I am sorry that I'm me. I am sorry. I really am. I'll try to change for you. Than maybe you'll be just as proud as me as you are with my sister.

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