Who am I?

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Song is Here for a Reason by Ashes Remain

The question "Who am I?" always floats in my head. Other questions such as "What's my purpose?" and "Who am I meant to be?" also float in my mind.

It's so intimidating to be in this world. From the moment we start school to the time we are going to college or getting a job, we are always, always live in a competition. It is a competition of who can get the highest marks, who can get the job, or who can get to the most prestigious college. Middle school, high school, and college is when people feel the most pressured t do well. This is also the time when they start thinking about their future careers and majors seriously. But what always floats in my mind is if they chose that career because they love doing it, if they did it because of the money that can be made, or because they feel pressured into getting that career by an adult or peer. During this time, parents are also recommending that jobs with the highest paying jobs. They tell their child that they wouldn't be able to make a buck it they choose something else. They discourage their child so they can push them along the path that they want their child to take. 

In my opinion, that is where most kids lose who they truly are. They are scrambling around to make their parents proud and get into their "dream job with their dream college". Many kids end up cracking under the pressure, but they are the ones that you least expect to break because they seem so strong and sure of themselves.

We are expected to do so many things but the problem is that in the end, we are still kids. we are kids with hopes and dreams that ends up getting lost in the sea of expectations to the point where we are drowning or barely stating afloat. I feel like in our society too much pressure is given to teens because we want them to succeed but it only ends up dragging them down. It's like a new bird just learning how to fly, that has not yet left its nest, to be able to fly through storms and other tough winds. Maybe it's just me but the pressure that is placed on kids shouldn't be there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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