chapter 4 "Am I out of luck?"

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Coyote Starkk leaned down and scratched his head in my cable at the doorway. "Do I have to come and drag him out myself?" He lit a cigarette and blown a smoke ring into the still air-conditioned room.

"I'm not going anywhere without the official orders." I scowled and tried to loosen the grip of two uniformed men who appeared around him. "Tell your henchman to get off of me." I demanded, but managed to get myself out of the grip of his two men. Blonde and Bold.

"Hirako Shinji and Ichibe Hyosube?" Disappointment was evident on his face. "Oh Kami-Sama bless me," He held his cigarette in his hand and said, "If I'm going to do everyone's job here, then who will do mine?"

Uryu came to my side and silently told me to behave myself if I didn't want to get into more trouble.

I glanced at him and told him through gritted teeth that what he thought I was doing. I heard Starkk ordered his same men to drag me out of my office.

It was hard for me to not lose my patience at how everything was turning out today. I felt my eyes changing. "Lay off!" The two approaching men stood on their feet.

I heard my father's admonished tone. But I directed my attention at Starrk, who slightly raised his left eyebrow in question.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" I asked him.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" Starrk grumbled.

"Don't get cocky, you bastard! For your damn information, I didn't do anything wrong." I felt my nostrils flare.

"That is for me to decide."

"I'm not going anywhere without seeing the legal notice from the court, Starrk!"

I studied him. He was Japan's authoritative police officer in short: he had his own reputation, which got him the position in Seireitei and he was one of the members of Central 46. He had his own squad who handled the bigger crimes, which were held in Karakura city and overall in Japan. Although he was quite lazy, it has been said that the guy was a pure genius.

Starrk blew a smoke ring into the still room, as he looked at his two subordinates. "Guys, you don't have to show professional courtesy to a criminal."

"But sir, he's Japan's very well-known business man." They said together.

"Don't give me that crap! The whole police force in Japan is under me. " When starrk looked around, his eyes were still on me. "This piece of paper has a different story to tell about him." He outstretched his left arm, a piece of paper hanging out of his hand.

"Have a look at it." Starrk handed the paper to me and took one last drag of his cigarette, then threw it in a trashcan. "You should already know since I was here that I don't go jailing people without a legal notice."

I sarcastically said, "My bad. I didn't know it was Illegal to ask for a court notice in your presence." I turned around and looked at his men. "How do you guys disgust this guy on a daily basis?"

The blonde guy said, "He only acts that way when his wife is not around."

"This is not fair for Fuhrer to take his frustration out on innocent men." I cursed under my breath and ignored Starrk's outburst at his men, as I read the paper in my hand.

"I don't miss anyone!" Starrk kept saying.

"And who didn't miss me?"

At the New Voice I looked up from the paper. A blonde woman stood at the doorway. Tier, his lieutenant. I often saw them in the newspaper. Starrk eagerly walked up to her, and then he smashed his lips against her, giving her the most soul-searing, passionate kiss he could possibly give while pressing her body tightly against her. She wrapped her arms around him, emitting a low growl of pleasure.

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