Chapter 49 *Pursuit*

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A dark figure crawled in the back side of a house, tiny and looked, as if that person was not home. Ominously advancing as I walked down the abandoned alley, impersonating my every faint movement, and hid behind a wall, they were talking in hushed whispers.

"She wasn't home. . ." a person said, the moon added light in surroundings, I counted twelve people.

"What will we say to the master. . . ," another person said.
And one beside him was screaming. "He'll kill us. . ." two, three, fifteen times. His team needed more than two people to calm him.
And most were cursing in French.

I unwrapped my sword from it's sheath bracing myself to engage in a fight. A flickered of the street lamp and i momentarily lose them but to my horror, they raised their weapons out of the waists, breathing life into the hot town, The grim outline of a shadowy reflection, swords that wanted to kill, as I braced for the attack, they ran passed me, vanished together into the depth of the woods.

I lowered my sword, glanced back in the direction of the house, walked up to the door, hit the doorbell, no answer. When I saw a guy in early thirties walked passed. 'the neighbour' I thought. His eyes widened when he caught a sword in my hand. I instantly went to put him to ease.

"I'm the new police here. . . Mashiro. Just arrived from Karakura city." I tried to smile.

He looked suspicious, quickly nodded his head, and half walked, half ran.

"Hey, excuse me, if you don't mind . . ."

I followed him. He turned around an alley, i did the same. It was clear; he didn't want to engage in any conversation.

"Good sir, please." I said gentle. Not wanted to scare him as he already was.

He glanced over his shoulders. "Don't hurt me. Please. I have a wife and a child on the way!" He begged, now ran in full speed.

I used flash steps, then in a second ran passed then stood in front of him. He suddenly stopped, lost a foot in haste or in shock and fell down on the group."I'm the police." I showed him my batch and he blinked. Then examined it, when satisfied he returned it.

"Then what were you doing at the Doctor's house? She's a good person?" He dusted off his clothes.

"I just saw someone suspicious around, so I went to check. Can you tell me whose house that was?"

"Doctor Orihime Inoue's."

I tired to hide the shock on my face. "And where is she now?"

"She left. Earlier this morning."

"Where to?"

"Karakura city. She said she was getting married. I hope the best for her and a good life."

I nodded. "Does these kind of people often came to her house?"

"Her house? This is Sabitsura village, ma'am. These souls of junkies roam around here all the time. It's not a really save place to live."


"Yeah. They come at night. Drunk. Asking for money and sometimes they take woman and God awful other things."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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