chapter 7 *Reprimandations and Case study*

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Mashiro's POV.

"Why did you attack Ichigo Kurosaki in the middle of an interrogation yesterday?"

I arrived at Fuhrer's office first thing in the morning. An elegant desk was placed in the center of the room, with one chair for the Fuhrer and two chairs opposite him, but I was only standing because I was embarrassed. My wound from last night hadn't been healed, but I felt quite alright until now.

"Fuhrer.. I only want..." I was at a loss for words.

"Talk, General Mashiro!" I flinched a bit at the Fuhrer's stern order.

I swallowed the lump in my throat out of fear because I knew the Fuhrer wouldn't like my reasoning. I was worried about this the entire night. But Mashiro says something, don't make him more angry... "I wanted to make him talk since he wasn't talking. And I just wanted to help."

"Help?" echoed in the room. "Had it looked like I needed help?" Fuhrer's expression was solemn from his eyes to his mouth.

"I'm so sorry, Fuhrer. I apologise... I will never do something like this again." I bowed my head in prayer to God that the Fuhrer would forgive me.

"You do realize, I'm angry at you because you lost control of the situation after your assault. You didn't just recklessly throw your life on the line, but in the process you risked everyone else's lives too. You do realize what could have happened?"

The Guild washed over my body, and I had no words. 'I didn't think of that... everyone's lives were on the line... because of my carelessness. I was so selfish. I regret all this. I'm so stupid.'

"Well, don't you General Mashiro kuna?" He kept his cold, impassive face.

"Yes, Fuhrer..." Only a flush of shame was apparent on my face.

"It's about high time you acted mature. This is a profession in which things can get dirty very easily." He reprimanded me.

I looked down at my shoes in guilt.

Fuhrer Pointed at his table, my eyes followed his direction and caught an envelope. "Open it."

'Am I fired?' As these horrible thoughts rushed in, my face dropped faster than a corpse in cement underground.

I slowly opened the envelope. "Written reprimand notice." I took a deep breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

"Using unnecessary force on the client and putting a gun into anyone's mouth for a light interrogation is not how we do things."

"Yes, Fuhrer. I understand." I saluted. I bowed again.

"Hopefully." He emphasised and continued his warning. "Because the next time, it'll be exactly what you expected this letter to contain. I will make sure of that."

I bowed again and apologised. "I won't disappoint you, Fuhrer." My voice came out stronger.

Fuhrer fixed his gaze on me."You're dismissed." and avert his attention from the documents.

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