Chapter 1

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It wasn't difficult. It should have been; after all, you were running away from the only place you had ever called home. But it wasn't difficult at all. All you had to do pack all of your belongings and some money, and then walk out the door. No one stopped you. Your dad was passed out on the couch. You didn't even think about saying goodbye or leaving a note. He wouldn't care.

As soon as you stepped out the door you felt a huge weight being lifted of your shoulders. You had $37.29 and your belongings, and that was all you needed. You hopped on a bus and went to the only place you could go to: Lisa's house.

• One Week Later •

You looked at the girl in front of you in disgust. It wasn't the way Lisa was dressed, she had a great sense of fashion. It was the colors, or lack of them. You hated them, not because you had anything against gray, black, white, and beige. It was because these "colors" were just a show of wealth. They were a way to prove that we weren't as good as the people at the top. They were a way to widen the social gap. But no one saw this. Not even Lisa, whom you had told about this several times.

You sighed. You loved Lisa, she was practically your sister. It was kind of sad to be honest, she was your only family and she wasn't even related to you. But she didn't get it. She knew that she would never understand you, and she was okay with it. She had been taught the same thing you had been taught, but without the traumatic experience you had been through, she had a harder time discarding it as false.

You weren't mad at her. You wouldn't believe anyone if they told you that the government you had always thought of as good was actually corrupted and evil, even if the information had been coming from your best friend. But still, if you were going to find the truth, you needed people that understood the pain you were going through. You were going to keep on looking until you found them. You never would have guessed that would happen today. And you certainly wouldn't have expected them to find you.

• Min Yoongi POV •

He came in panting, as if he had just ran a marathon. Looking at him, I couldn't be sure that he hadn't. He had a triumphant grin and was sweating like crazy. He even was wearing workout clothes and sneakers. The more I looked at him, the more I thought that he had indeed just come back from a marathon.

"I. Found. Her." After this statement he proceeded to collapse onto the couch. Immediately, we all set the cards we had been playing with down. Hoseok got up and walked over to Namjoon, grabbing some papers I hadn't noticed before. He looked at them and raised an eyebrow. "He...did." Jin got up and looked at the papers. "Park Y/N," he said, as if tasting the name. By this point everyone other than me (and Namjoon, who was still passed out on the couch) was gathered around Hoseok. I spoke surprising everyone. "Who was it?" I asked. "Her mom," Jimin said slowly.  I heard Jungkook let out a tiny gasp after reading something. Taehyung bent over to read what he had. They passed it around, and everyone's eyes widening as they read it. "What is it?" I demanded. They handed it over.

"Glass is everywhere. Most of it is flecked with red, although some shards are completely stained. The victim appears to be the source of the blood. She is in the bath tub which is filled with completely stained glass. The scene seems to be a suicide, due to the fact that there are no signs of a break-in, nor are there any other fingerprints, boot prints, etc."

I looked at it in disgust, trying not to remember  my own painful past. Meanwhile, Namjoon had woken up and looked around, obviously confused. Realization seemed to suddenly strike him, and he jumped up. Immediately after doing that he sat back down, probably a bit dizzy.

"She's the one," Jin said. "But wait," Hoseok interjected. "How can we be sure that this isn't just another dead end? What if she doesn't believe us?" I had a feeling in my gut that she would. Plus, we couldn't waste anymore time. Namjoon voiced my thoughts saying, "We have to try. We're running out of time." He spoke in an authoritative voice, startling the others who hadn't noticed he was awake.

After much debate, we finally decided that Namjoon should go talk to her. After all, he was very comforting and convincing, and since he was the leader, the one who found her, and the only one with dimples, he was extremely qualified (although the last one was just an excuse for him to go).

After much "research," which was actually stalking, although no one would admit it, we discovered she lived with her friend, and the address of that friend. Namjoon was a bit nervous, so Jin helped by reviewing all of the things he should mention and be prepared for. Unfortunately, we would later learn, he had not prepared for the one scenario that ended up happening: the boyfriend.

• Kim Namjoon POV •

To say I was surprised was an understatement. To say I was embarrassed was also an understatement. I was a nervous wreck before I  saw them and now I was about to implode on the spot.

The boys dropped me off at the address and I had walked up so confidently and rang the doorbell. No one answered, and since I didn't hear a dinging from inside, I figured the doorbell must have been broken. So, I made the horrible decision to go inside.

And that's how I got here. Standing in front of two people, who, about 30 seconds ago, were having a very intense make-out session. That I walked in on. Their hair was disheveled and their cheeks were a matching shade of bright red. I racked my brain, trying to think of anything I could say to make this less awkward. "Y-Y/N? Are y-you Y/N?" Her eyes widened and she looked me up and down. She shook her head and said very quickly, "She's in her room." She pointed to the door first door in a hallway that connected to the room we were in, which I now realized was the living room. I walked to it and knocked, regretting it as soon as I did. I had been so prepared, but after that...incident, I had forgotten everything I was going to say. And then she opened the door. And all the bad memories, all the brutally clear images, all the feelings, the emotions, they all came rushing back to me. Because the girl standing right in front of me, she was beautiful.

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