Chapter 2

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• Kim Namjoon POV •

Sadness. Grief. Misery. Anger. And tears. Lots of tears. But, under all of that, was guilt. Because it had been her account, her laptop. But it hadn't been her. It was me. I was the one they wanted, but they didn't know that. They should have. I shouldn't have been a coward. Why couldn't I use my own account, my own laptop? Why didn't I? This was all my fault. If I hadn't done that, she would still be alive. But she wasn't.

"Hello?" Y/N asked. I blinked. I took a deep breath. "Can I talk to you?" I said, surprising myself at how calm and level my voice was. She opened the door wider and stretched out her arm, as if to say "sure, why not." And so I stepped in. Here goes nothing.

• Y/N POV •

You had been trying to ignore the noises coming from the other room. This was normal, at least for Lisa and her boyfriend, Jackson. And then you heard the doorbell ring. It registered in your brain but you ignored it as well. Then the door opened. That's when you started listening. And that's why you should have been concerned. Because this guy didn't know either of you. This guy just let himself in. This guy was looking for you. This guy knew your address. This guy was in your room. And you just shut the door. Crap.

If anything went wrong, you were gonna scream as loud as possible. "Hi, Y/N," he said, and you noticed his voice was deep but also soft. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" you asked a bit rudely. He sighed and shook his head. "Okay, then why are you here?" you questioned again, getting a bit impatient. He plopped down on the floor and patted for you to sit down as well. Instead, you pulled up a chair and turned it around so it was facing away from him. You sat down backwards and propped your head up with your arm, trying to seem as bored as possible.

"I'm going to tell you something," he started. "Please don't overreact, okay?" You rolled your eyes, feigning indifference. In truth, you were very intrigued, but you also were trying to be cautious. "Mhm, go ahead," you replied, so in-character that you had to stifle a yawn. "The government... it's not what you think. It's not what they taught you." He waited for you to react.

You had been searching for someone like you since your mother had been killed. And now he shows up. You had been searching and searching but you found nothing. And now, he found you. For some reason, you found this hilarious. In fact, you burst out laughing. He did not seem fazed, probably thinking you were laughing because you didn't believe him. "I know it's hard to believe," he said. You were still giggling, the corners of your eyes damp from laughing so hard. "What's your name?" you managed to say between giggles. "Namjoon. Kim Namjoon." You took a few deep breaths; all the laughing left you panting. "Okay, Namjoon. May I ask why you are assuming that I think what I have been taught?"

At this, he frowned. "Umm... well... you see, I uh-" "Look," you said, cutting him off. "For over two months I have been searching and searching, trying to find someone like you and me. So don't think I don't know what they do to people that find out." You got a lump in your throat, the kind you get when you're about to cry. Namjoon looked at you with a sad smile. "Y/N, it's okay. I know how you feel. We all do."He stared at you, waiting for you to respond. "We." You said the word, not as a question, but as if you were tasting it. Then you realized what it meant. "We? You mean us two, right?" He smiled and shook his head. "Come with me. Let's meet them."

Okay, letting a random guy you were 100% sure was stalking you into your room was not the best idea. Closing the door behind him? Considerably worse. But it took a special kind of stupid to get in a car with him, not know where he was taking you, and not tell anyone where you were going. Yet this is exactly what you just did. While you were driving to this unknown destination with this unknown person, you saw the many flaws with the plan. In fact, you doubted wether you possessed the common sense needed to be anything other than a single-celled organism. You gave yourself a mental smack on the head.

But you weren't scared, really. Because this guy, Namjoon, he was like you. He understood you. He believed you, and, after all you had been through, that meant a lot. You looked over at him. You had been so caught up in scolding yourself that you hadn't noticed where you were. Looking around, you realized you had stopped in the driveway of a small house. You seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, which was strange, because it had only been a 15 minute drive from the apartment complex. You saw a few houses and trees dotting the hilly landscape, but otherwise, it was pretty bare.

Namjoon cleared his throat and you looked at him. He nodded toward the house and you both stepped out. You walked toward it, wondering how many people "we" was, because the small house didn't look like it would have enough space for more than five. Namjoon took out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door.

You stepped inside and stared, eyebrows furrowed. The inside didn't look like a regular house, and it certainly didn't look like the outside made it seem. While the outside looked old and tired, the inside looked new and modern.

However, it looked more like a hotel than a house, because the foyer was attached to a long hallway lined with, from what the opened doors showed, bedrooms and bathrooms. You saw no sign of a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, or a person other than Namjoon. You turned to him, with a questioning look. He motioned for you to follow him and opened one of the only closed doors, the first one on the left. You followed him in, surprised to see a staircase leading down. Then you remembered that this house was on a hill.

Namjoon stopped at the bottom of the staircase, at a door. He opened it and held the door for you, so you stepped inside. You looked around. This was the house. You saw a huge kitchen and a square dining table for eight. You started walking toward it, realizing how hungry you were. Namjoon chuckled behind you, and you felt a little embarrassed. "You can eat after you meet everyone." You turned around and followed him around a corner. And that is where you saw it.

A. Bright. Pink. Unicorn.

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