Chapter 5

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"What?" Jin exclaimed after Taehyung had told him his idea. "My clothes? No way. We can do this without Jennie Kim." You seriously doubted this, but you knew how to persuade him based on what you had heard about him from the other members. "You're right Jin." Taehyung and Jungkook spun towards you, making a 'no he's not' face. "But you realize that if you don't then we're going to eat all of your food." Jin's eyes flew open, his mouth falling open in shock. "No! You can take my clothes. Just make sure to return them!" he called out as he dashed towards the kitchen to guard his snacks.

Namjoon smiled. "Great. That was only the first step though. Taehyung you go first, then Jungkook, then I'll go, and then Y/N." Taehyung nodded and rushed off to where Jin's room was. This reminded you that you had done another stupid thing: not bring clothes- or anything for that matter. Hopefully, you would get a chance to stop by Lisa's house to pick up some stuff and say goodbye to her.

After Namjoon had finished changing, it was your turn. You walked into Jin's room, finding a door to the bathroom, then a door to the closet. You opened it and nearly fell backward at its size. It was huge, twice the size of a regular walk-in closet, big enough to fit a bed. You walked over to the area with colored clothing. Since you were several sizes smaller than Jin, the only colorful thing you could find that even remotely fit was a baggy burgundy sweatshirt that had sleeves that covered half of your hands. Since you were pretty sure that he would have no pants that would fit you, you decided you were just going to wear the ripped jean shorts you already had on. You looked at yourself in the full-length mirror on the back of the door before walking out to the others. You noticed that Yoongi was sleeping on the L-shaped couch in the living room, and walked into the kitchen where Jin was cooking dinner and Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook were sitting at the bar.

"Let's go." You said, catching the boys' attention. Together you walked upstairs and outside to the car. You drove all the way to the wealthy section of the city, blending right in with the colorful outfits. This city (although it was technically the same city as your part, most people considered it separate) was much nicer than where you were from, the 'Lows' as it was called. This city, the 'Ups', was was cleaner and less crowded, and so much more... relaxing. In the Lows, the city was bustling with people, all wearing bland colors, some smoking, some begging for money. There were lights and signs everywhere, on every inch of the worn down buildings and they flashed and tried to catch people's attention, which only seemed to overwhelm you. The Ups was everything the Lows wasn't; clean, new, sleek, perfect. Even the few neon lights seemed to be softer, more inviting than they were in the Lows.

As you walked to find the street, you kept glancing around around at the people walking by. Most of the adults were wearing colorful and expensive business clothes, but the teenagers you passed were wearing very similar clothes to you and the rest of the boys.

"Y/N!" you heard Namjoon call out. "You turned to face him. "I think it's that way," he said pointing left. You turned, and sure enough, he was right. A massive skyscraper stood just a few blocks away, towering above them even from its distance. In the windows, a giant banner of Jennie Kim had been plastered onto the glass. "Y-yeah, that's probably it..." you trailed off.

"Well, let's go!" Jungkook said, running of in the direction of the giant building. The other two boys followed, you trailing behind them. You walked the few blocks to the building, halting right before the giant entrance. You peered inside, seeing the huge lobby decorated with framed pictures of models and colorful furniture. Namjoon nodded toward the spinning door. You took a deep breath and nodded, walking in with the other three following you. On the way here, you had gone over the "plan" many times, but it mostly was made up of Namjoon explaining how to improvise based on the situation; none of you knew what to expect.

Jungkook headed towards the desk with Taehyung, you and Namjoon sitting down at a couch nearby, watching the conversation between Jungkook and the young woman behind the desk. Although you couldn't hear what as being said, you could understand what was happening.

There were three employees behind the desk, a young man and two women who looked to be relatively the same age. One of the women was clearly more experienced, and you assumed the other was new. Jungkook and Taehyung went straight for the new girl, and you could see her cheeks turn a subtle shade of pink. The pink, however, was soon replaced with a darker shade, and you could see her eyes nervously flicking around. Her face turned apologetic, and your heart instantly sank, knowing what must have happened. Jungkook and Taehyung turned to walk away, and a look a panic crossed the girls face. You could see her say something to the boys, handing them a card and glancing at the other employees nervously. After a few hushed words, Jungkook and Taehyung turned and walked back in your direction.

Taehyung flashed a smile at you, handing you the security card. "Let's go find Jennie," he said and nodded towards the elevators. "Let's go," you agreed.


ok so apparently people still read this and i haven't updated in literally forever

very sorry

anyways i'll try to update this more but i can't promise anything


if you do want to read something that gets updated more often

i have another book


it's a got7 jackson fanfic

so yeah

bye and thank you for reading cuz this is kinda sorta trash but wtv

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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