Chapter 3

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Technically it was a guy in a pink unicorn onesie. But you didn't notice him at first. The first thing you noticed was the color, meaning this guy was very wealthy. Most people, after noticing the fact that it was bright pink, would have probably questioned why a fully grown man was wearing a bright, neon pink unicorn onsie.

But not you. You made the mistake of looking at his face, which nearly led to you being knocked over by how extraordinarily handsome he was. You blinked, but he was still there. The only difference was, now he was looking at you. So were, you also noticed, four other extremely handsome boys, all of whom were wearing bland colors like you and Namjoon. It had gotten a bit awkward, so you said, "Hi, my name is Y/N." The three youngest looking boys just blinked, but the older looking one smiled. He literally looked like he was glowing.

"My name is Hoseok!" he said cheerily. "I'm Kim Seokjin," the man in the pink said. "But you can call me Jin." He looked at the younger boys expectantly. One stepped back behind the two others, although it seemed like it was instinctive because he then stepped forward. The shortest one took a deep breath, "Hi, Y/N, my name's- ow!" he cried out as the other boy, about as tall as the shy one, elbowed him. "Oh, uh my name's uh Jimin. Uh Park Jimin." When he spoke again, you noticed he was stuttering and acting nervous and shy. Were they...pretending to be innocent and cute? You raised your eyebrows and said nothing, but your attitude made it clear that you weren't buying it.

Jimin went from being shy to arrogant in about .5 seconds and started running his hand through his hair. The one who had elbowed him shot him a glare, "I'm Taehyung." He smirked at you. You looked at the other guy, who was still being shy. "I'm Jeon Jungkook." He really did seem to be nervous, unlike the other two boys who were acting. You smiled, and he stiffened, looking down. "So, is that all?" you asked. Namjoon looked around and frowned. "Where's Yoongi hyung?" As if on cue, another man, a bit taller than Jimin, stormed into the room.

Your first instinct was to be scared. He looked like the type of person who was scary even when they weren't angry. He was definitely angry. Plus, his ripped jeans and messy hair were just adding to his "dangerous" vibe. But then he noticed you, and his face turned into an expression of utter confusion. He looked so innocent and cute that you almost didn't recognize him from the person he had been just moments before. "What the-" Jin coughed, looking at Yoongi. "What... in the world? Yeah, that's what I said." Yoongi finished this last part with a bit of nervousness, and you could only assume that he would have said something less mild had Jin not been standing there. "I'm Y/N," you repeated. "Hi." Yoongi didn't introduce himself, which was fine because you already knew his name.

He suddenly stiffened, like he had remembered something, and shot an angry glare around the room which finally came to rest on Jimin. Jimin switched attitudes yet again, although this time instead of switching from nervous to arrogant, he went from arrogant to straight up terrified. He visibly paled, "T-Taehyung, he uh h-he elbowed m-me!" At this, Taehyung's eyes widened, and he was too busy being frozen from fear to be mad at Jimin. Yoongi glared at them for a solid 30 seconds, then sighed. "We should introduce ourselves," he said. You were about to tell him that you already had, but then you noticed Hoseok and Namjoon nodding in agreement.

The three of them sat down on the couch, which was a modern-looking white semicircle that surrounded most of a circular table. Jin, who had left during Yoongi's glaring session, was now back and put down some snacks on the table. He then sat down next to the three others and motioned for the you and the younger boys to follow his example. You sat down next to Jin and Jungkook sat next to you, dragging Taehyung and Jimin, who were still shocked they had made it out alive.

"Ok," Namjoon started, "My name is Kim Namjoon, and about nine months ago, my-" he paused and cleared his throat. "My girlfriend die- was killed. She was tied to the wall with roses. By the time we got there, she had bled out and the roses were withering." Oh. Oh. So this is what Yoongi meant when he said "introduce." Everyone was silent for a couple seconds, but before the silence could become awkward, there was a loud crunch from your right. Jungkook turned red and slowly glanced up at everyone staring at him. He slowly ate another chip, this time, taking caution not to be loud.

"My name is Hoseok!" Hoseok interjected. "Jung Hoseok. It was my dad. About eight months ago, we came home and his body was hanging from the chandelier. They floor was littered with crystals and blood and it was awful. While my family was mourning, I found some of his research on the government and I found out they murdered him." His voice was dripping with disgust, but under that, there was also immense pain. You reached out your hand and placed it on his knee. You nodded and stayed quiet for a minute, but the silence wasn't awkward, it was sad.

Yoongi shot Hoseok a small smile before saying, "Min Yoongi. Hoseok was my childhood friend, and our fathers were also very close. When his father was killed, my dad took us to an icy cabin in the middle of nowhere to 'protect us.' One morning we woke up and he wasn't there. We looked everywhere for him and finally, we found him. Over the night, the lake had frozen and he was under the ice." He sounded sad and distant, and you could tell he was close with his father. After a minute, Jin nudged Yoongi, as if expecting more. "I don't sleep, not at night. I take a lot of naps during the day. It helps with the..." he paused. "With the nightmares." You nodded, understanding. It had only taken you two weeks to get rid of the nightmares, but during that time period, you barely slept at all.

Jin nodded, but it was more to himself. He looked like he was trying to reassure himself. You looked around at the others. Before, they had been glancing at the person telling their story, but now they were glancing at you. Before you could wonder if they expected you to go, Jin spoke. "I'm Kim Seokjin. My family works for the government, and growing up I was taught they were good." He glanced warily at you, waiting for you to say something. Then you realized, they were all looking at you to see your reaction. They were afraid that you would turn away because he was from the government. But you decided that you weren't going to make any remarks until you knew the whole story. It was something your mom had taught you, there were always two sides to every story. "Okay." You nodded for him to continue. He smiled and nodded, all nervousness fading away.

"When I found out that they weren't the 'good guys' I felt betrayed and angry. My mother tried to convince me and my sister that it was for our own good, and my sister-" his voice cracked at the word. "She believed our parents. But I didn't. I ran away and I found Namjoon, who was already living with Yoongi and Hoseok." You smiled, glad that you hadn't judged Jin based on his heritage.

Then, your smile slowly faded away as you realized it was now your turn to introduce yourself. You took a deep breath and started. "My name is Park Y/N. Three months ago, maybe four, my mother was found dead in the bathtub. Instead of water, there was glass everywhere. It was glass from the bottles of alcohol my dad would never throw away. I stayed in my house for almost a month. When I came back out, my dad's drinking problem had gotten worse and any trace of the caring father I had when I was little was gone. I knew that I had to leave, so I did." You finished your story, and looked at Jungkook. He was taking deep breaths. Taehyung chuckled at him and spoke, "Shouldn't we go over the positions?" He smirked and Jungkook's eyes widened.

Namjoon sighed. "Fine." He pointed to himself. "Leader." He pointed to Hoseok and Yoongi. "They do any... bloody work." He pointed to Jin. "He does the computer stuff." He points to Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin. "They... extract information." He says the last two words very carefully. You look at them, confused. Jimin clarifies, "Tae and I, we usually get information using violence or threats... but Jungkook... usually handles the female targets." Jungkook looks shy and embarrassed at this, as if Jimin just showed you a picture of Jungkook taking a bath as a baby.

You raised an eyebrow, and the next words that came out of your mouth accidentally sounded like a challenge. "I don't believe you."

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