Chapter 4

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That is how you ended up babysitting Taehyung and Jungkook on their mission to learn more about a girl who- Namjoon was pretty sure- existed. Namjoon said if she did, in fact, exist, she would be the last member of the team. He had come along, he had nothing better to do. In fact, none of the people on this outing had anything better to do, and this mission required no particular skill set. You and Jungkook had come because Taehyung wanted to prove what Jungkook could do, Taehyung came because Jimin had been busy and Jungkook was coming, and Namjoon had been kicked out of the kitchen by Jin because he had broken too many plates.

So here you were, walking to the girl's parents' house, subconsciously trying not to step on the cracks in the sidewalk. "What do we know about this girl?" you asked, trying to start a conversation. Namjoon sighed. "From what Jin  said her name is... Ginny?" "Jennie." Taehyung corrected. "Kim Jennie." You stopped walking abruptly, and Jungkook nearly slammed into you. Everyone looked at you and then at each other. "Jennie Kim?" you asked incredulously. "Do you... know her?" Jungkook asked. You looked at them all suspiciously. They seemed pretty confused.

Then, Taehyung suddenly gasped. "Jennie Kim!?" he exclaimed. This only made Namjoon more confused, although Jungkook looked like he was trying to remember something.  Taehyung pulled out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket, which you identified as the information on the girl you were looking for. It was mostly blank, other than a picture of the girl as a young teenager, a name, the street address of where she used to live with her parents, and how her brother had been killed.  As Taehyung repeatedly scanned over the information, his eyes widened more and more.

Jungkook obviously recognized the name, but he couldn't figure out how. He repeatedly mouthed the name and finally gave up, snatching the paper from Taehyung. Namjoon had been waiting for someone to explain it to him, but when no one did, he finally spoke. "Who is Jennie Kim?" he demanded. Taehyung took a deep breath as if trying to calm himself down. "Jennie Kim is basically the most famous model on the continent. Any brand that is worth anything she has modeled for. Not many people know this but-" he looked around, making sure you were alone, "-she jumped."

Everyone stared at Taehyung in shock. The way the government was built was to prevent jumping class. The only way you could get power was to be born in it. The people in power controlled everything making it impossible to move up to their level. Everyone in the common class was reminded of this in every possible way: not being paid enough to buy colored clothes, not being able to afford houses near the city, being put second in line for nearly everything.

You looked at Jungkook and Namjoon. Now Namjoon was trying to remember, but Jungkook drew in a sharp breath. "No way," he whispered to himself. Namjoon shrugged, "Okay, well, if she's famous enough to have jumped then there's no way we could recruit her."  Taehyung nodded thoughtfully, but Jungkook just deflated. As soon as he figured out who Jennie Kim was, he had gotten really excited, and when Taehyung revealed that she had jumped, he had gotten even more energetic.

Looking at the pouting boy, you found it hard to believe that his role in the group was seducing women into giving information. "Well what about Jungkook's talent? Couldn't that help us. And plus, Taehyung said you'd show me." Jungkook perked up, Taehyung smiled, and Namjoon looked like he was deep in thought. After a minute or two, he finally sighed. "Okay, lets at least try." Jungkook started skipping down the side walk, then halted once he realized he had no idea where the four of you were going. He sheepishly returned, while you tried to figure out where you were heading.

Suddenly, you had an idea. "Wait here," you commanded, then sprinted off in the opposite direction. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see Taehyung try to follow, but Namjoon held him back. You ran along the sidewalk, before making a swift turn, trying to remember exactly where it was. You saw it in the distance and ran toward it, smiling. As you reached it, you grinned seeing exactly what you were looking for.

It was a bus stop, and the bench was surrounded on three sides and the top was covered. Plastered to the back wall posters and advertisements. They were rarely taken down, meaning- ah-ha! You off ripped a poster that had been taped on an flyer for a missing dog. Looking at the face and the text, you confirmed that it was the right one and sprinted back to the boys.

• Kim Taehyung POV •

Y/N came sprinting around the corner, grinning, holding a piece of paper. She stopped in front of us, barely out of breath, and waved the papers in our faces. Namjoon snatched it out of her hand so he could read it, his eyes skimming the words at the bottom of the page. He started over, reading aloud this time. "Jennie Kim is partnering with Gucci to design and model her own clothing line, 'NiNi', which will be available in stores in Fall of this year." He stopped reading off of the sheet and looked up. "I guess that settles it then."

Everyone nodded in agreement except for me. It would be easy to get information once we were inside the headquarters, but getting in would be difficult. Especially with our outfits. I looked down at my own colorless and obviously lower-class clothing. I cleared my throat and everyone looked up at me. "Ok, but first, we might need to raid Jin's closet."


A/N: I'm sorry it took me forever and a day to update, I sorta forgot that I had this. Also I was writing a Taehyung fanfic *whispers* which you should go read. And yeah I'll try to start updating more often. Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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