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"Will you tell me more about your company?" Sebastian asked me while I began my daily routine of cleaning my three pistols.

"My mother, Rachel, was the one that thought of the idea and when my father agreed to fund it they named it Funtomhive," I explained, "I was three at the time, five when she died. My father ran the company until I finally talked him down from the position on my twelfth Birthday".

"Does the company do anything other then sell candy?" The butler voiced. I looked up at him as I reassembled the first gun and sat it aside. He was still sitting stiffly where I had directed him to at the end of my bed.

I turned my chair back towards my desk and began to deconstruct another pistol, "We make a variety of normal everyday children's toys as well as toys to help with PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and trauma among other things," I began as I carefully put every piece of the semiautomatic in a specific place in the table in front of me.

"We paired with Hive and Trancy Corp. to produce Android specially made infants for mothers who cannot have children of their own," I briefly thought about my late aunt Angelina, "And we supply police cars with teddy bears for child related incidents". I dipped the small cleaning brush into the bottle of cleaning oil so that I could cleanse the interior of the gun.

"I am glad you are my master, you are such a good person, Sir," I turned and caught a glimpse of a half smile on the dark haired android's lips. So that's what father meant by emotion. Does it run deeper than facial expression?

"It's Ciel," I said as I rebuilt the gun, "And I am not a good person".

"Of course you are," he blinked seemingly confused by the way his lips tugged down and his eyebrows furrowed, "You have done all of these things to help people".

"Just because I want to help people, does not make me a good person," I countered as I walked over to the bed to pull my .38 Smith & Wesson from under my pillow.

"How are you not a good person?" His scarlet eyes floated over my half exposed face.

"That story is for another time, Sebastian," I murmur sitting down on my chair once again, "lay in the bed and activate idle mode," I commanded, "I'm done talking".

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