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The man who walked into the room they had been keeping me in was the first to take down his hood in my presence. It was idiotic of him really to reveal himself to me before he attempted to remove my mother's body. She had been left to rot in here with me for what could have been days.

The scent of her had filled the small room, contaminating the air to where it had become barely breathable. Maggots and rats had begun to feast on her and the pool of red death had dried around her. She was all he had left though. I would keep her with me for as long as possible.

It turned out not to be very long though. The man had walked towards my once beautiful, lively Mother with his lip curled in disgust. He reached out to grip her by her hair and drag her off when I used all of the strength I possessed in my small body to launch myself at him. Clamping my teeth down in his hand until I felt them rip through the thin skin and the taste of copper filled my mouth.

He had yowled and grabbed me by the throat shoving me against the concrete wall. He glowered at me and bared his teeth like a feral dog as his bloody hand dove for my face. Fingers mashing into my eye until it burst like a grape splattering the man's face with my blood as I screamed. He did not let up though and kept twisting his fingers around scooping out the mash that was my eye so it and my blood dropped down my cheek with my tears.

He took my mother away from me when I fainted.

I opened my eye finding Sebastian still in idle mode beside me. His eyes closed and his face relaxed. I reached up behind my bangs to carefully touch my lost eye. My aunt had sewn it closed for me when I had refused a fake. They ripped my dead mother from me the same day as they ripped my eye from my skull. I sat up swiping my fingers under my other eye to dry my tears, "Sebastian, weather analysis".

His scarlet eyes blinked opened and he looked up at me in dazed confusion most likely wondering why I had not made him move the night before, "83 degrees Fahrenheit [28 celsius] with a 14% chance of rain, might I suggest short sleeves today," He prattled off as I walked into my closet.

His scarlet eyes blinked opened and he looked up at me in dazed confusion most likely wondering why I had not made him move the night before, "83 degrees Fahrenheit [28 celsius] with a 14% chance of rain, might I suggest short sleeves today," He p...

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I retrieved a simple tie that would match the dress I planned on wearing and exited the adjoining room to find him standing beside my desk straightening his tailcoat. I leaned up and unknotted the lace tie from yesterday hanging it over my shoulder before I replaced it with the solid colored one I had been holding. Tilting my head up I looked him in the eye, "Please see to it that I take my tea in the garden this morning".

"Yes, Sir," he replied as I walked back towards my closet rolling up the previous days tie to place back in the rack.

"Ciel," I called as a reminder to him as I pulled my dress for the day from the metal bar. I hear the door shut softly before I reenter my room to dress and arm myself.

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