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Picture has nothing to do with this chapter I just didn't want to leave you all pictureless even if it's a shorter chapter.

As I drank my tea and enjoyed the fresh air I thought of the way I had killed that man. Not with a gun or a knife. With my own hands. I could picture it clearly even though hit was over ten years ago. The damp, dark, concrete room. The rust colored stain on the floor that was my mother's life essence. The way he choked on his own eyes under me after I carved them out with a plastic spoon.

It had been foolish of the cult to feed me. It only gave me strength. I passed my tongue over the metal of the spoon in my hand hoping to get one last bit of the fruity yogurt that I had been eating almost absentmindedly. I placed the spoon down in the empty glass bowl and looked up at my companion, "One last cup of tea before I have to go and tend to my paperwork," I requested though it wasn't really a request.

"What were you thinking about, Sir?" He inquired as he tipped the pot forward to fill the cup.

"Ciel," I correct as I loop my finger through the handle of the cup and bring it to my lips, "I was recalling a memory of how bad of a person I really am," I took a long, slow sip of the warm liquid as the faux man looked down at me.

"Are there many of those memories?" He asked.

I finished my tea before answering him, "Too many". As I stood I looked up at him almost expecting to see the cold, emotionless look every other android adopted. I was proven wrong and it made me frown.

Sad crimson eyes took in my half hidden face, "Will you tell me about them?"

I reached up and caressed the side of his face. The warm, imitation skin felt soft against my knuckles. He looked like he couldn't choose whether to be sad or confused. I smiled at him shaking my head, "Why would I ever want to subject you to that?"

He did not follow me as I walked away. I thought it was only natural that he wouldn't. After all, what kind of person would?

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