chapter 1: first day (part 1)

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hi, my name is Bryan. i'm 15 years old, bi-sexual and 100kg. i got pulled out of my old school by my parents for "failing my tests, for having no friends and for being skinny." one thing i should mention is that my parents are complete slobs, no really, they do nothing except eat, cook and watch tv. that's it! i'm surprised they're not dead from being too fat. anyways, they're sending me to this school that apparently only "certain" people can be allowed into, is it like a collage or something? i don't know. i guess i'll have to see.


i woke up to find a letter left on my desk. it said, "dear Bryan, this is a list of things you will need to bring on your first day of school. we hope to see you on the first day on school, which if you forgot, is a week from now." and then it proceeded to list the items for school, it's the usual bag, books, lunch that sort of stuff. but then the smallest thing caught the corner of my eye. it said something but i couldn't read it due to the size. i thought it was a misprint with the printer. i pinned the list up to my wall and proceeded to collect the items for school. i was kinda excited for it, i mean, getting away from all the a-holes at my old school, hell there might be some new friends there!


i woke up from my bed with my parents in the door way, they seemed, calm and had smiles on their faces. it was a first, probably the first since i was born. "is everything okay?" i ask them.
"oh darling we can't wait for you to go that new school! it's going to be great for you! we'll see you in a few months!" my mom said.
"wait a few months?" i asked.
"yeah! it's a boarding school! except it's not harsh and you can go outside of the school."
"really? well, at least i'll be able to teach myself how to live on myself!"
"yep son! so get ready cause the bus is nearly here!"
"ok i'll get ready right now!" they smile at me like proud parents and proceeded to get dressed, and packed all my stuff. i get dressed in my nicest clothes (aka just nice jeans and a buttoned up top) and leave the house. i catch the bus and arrive at the school. the first thing i notice is that there is a lot of colour, like a lot! another thing i also notice is that the majority of people i see are either overweight or obese. it just stood out to me, considering i was the healthiest at my old school and now that there's all these people who seem like they need help. i see someone come up to me, they look like that they're the principal or something. turns out, he is! and starts talking to me about stuff about the school, things i already know. the bell rings and tells me to go to home room.


i sit at my desk which is at the front and the teacher is also obese! it's not really a surprise for me anymore so i just listen to what she's saying. she's talking about how wonderful it is to see all the wonderful faces in here. she tells us to look under our desks to find a surprise, i pick it up and it's a brown paper bag with something inside. she tells us to open it and eat whatever's in there. i look in mine and find to see a cupcake, me being the person who doesn't eat breakfast eats it in one bite and loves it. i lay back in my chair as if i just had a whole meal, and i hear my stomach rumbling, it's the loudest thing in the classroom and everyone stops to look at me. i get nervous as i might get into trouble for it. the teacher looks at me and says, "i suppose you're feeling hungry?" i nod my head as i start to sweat nervously, "go to the bathroom, there will be a surprise for you." she winks at me and i run to the bathroom, a bit weird for it to be in the bathroom but who cares i was hungry. i make it to the bathroom and go into a stall, there was a note left saying "sit down and lift your head up", i do what it said and tube came into my mouth, am i going to be gassed? i panic nervously, then i hear the noise and then, a liquid was coming out that went straight into my mouth, i didn't know what it was but it felt good. for some unknown reason i took my clothes off except for my underwear and lay back into the toilet, it kept going on and on to the point where i wanted to fall asleep. i closed my eyes for a bit and by the time i opened it back up, i looked ten times my size! the tube stopped it's liquid and a scale came in front of me, i stepped on it and the scale said "200kg." i was shocked, who knew i was going to get fat this quickly! i run quickly to my class but slowly because i was 1) fatter and 2) i had no clothes on, i only made it back to class with my underwear cause my clothes were hard to get on and open the door. everyone looked, all they saw was a fat boy standing in his underwear, no one laughed, in fact they all looked happy, the teacher came up to me and said, "how was your treatment?" i replied, "fantastic." the teacher brought her hand around my back and put me in the middle of the class. everyone stood and proceeded to undress. i was shocked, for once i wasn't bullied, i was being showed as a model? i was happy, for once in my life. someone came up to me and said, "wanna be fat friends?" i nodded and hugged them, the best thing? it was a girl.

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