chapter 4: the big day

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Me and Emma have been so lazy over these months, we've both gained about 300kg and we're too fat to move around. Our diapers are barely holding together. Our room is a mess, smells like bad BO. How we got this way was basically, the school made an announcement that all periods would be WC. So every WC, we'd gain about 20kg, along side that, me and  emma would constantly eat and eat all the time. Emma was basically looking like a ssbbw and has sat atop of me multiple times, constantly burps and farts, slaps her belly and drops it on the counter. It's cute though, not going to lie. Although we did have one big night a month ago.


"Hey emma?"
"Yes prince?"
"I was just wondering if..."
"If we could stuff ourselves with limitless hunger? Of course!"
"No not tha-"
"I'll get the food ready!"
"Umm okay then."
She got out every piece of food we had and started organising it. I just sat on the bed waiting for the food. She comes in with it all and places it all down.
"Here we go prince! Dig in!"
I start eating the pizza and feel this sensation to keep eating. I don't know why but I'm being more quicker in eating and grabbing the food. It just comes to my mouth and I eat it up. I start getting messy and get on all fours and eat like a pig. Emma giggles and starts as well.

About three hours pass by and I've finished everything. Plates are empty, my gut is messy, with chocolate whipped across and grease covered all over. Emma's lying back with her hand on her gut, burping her lungs out. She says to me, "I'm *burp* so *burp* damn *burp* full." I point at her stomach indicating if i can lie on it. She nods. I fall back on it, giving emma a loud burp which smells badly but i don't mind. I roll on my stomach and start blowing on her stomach. She giggles. She starts to make a face, almost like she's gonna-
She farted. I'm pretty sure she pooped herself as well but I'm unsure. She looks at me and leans forward to me. We share a moment of silence and, we kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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