chapter 2: first day (part 2)

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the bell rang and we all left, unclothed. i was feeling a bit more comfortable in this school now. the girl who just talked to me was next to me, so i decided to talk to her, she had bright blonde hair, freckles and red lips. she seemed like my type of girl, "hey, you wanted to be friends?" i asked her.
"oh, yeah, yeah totally." she replied.
"what's your name?" i asked.
"Bryan. nice to meet you."
"nice to meet you too!"
one thing that immediately stuck out to me when i saw her was that, she had a diaper on. yep, a diaper, not even joking. and you know what, she looked cute as hell in it. "if you don't mind, could i come to your room after school?"
she looked at me and smiled, "of course you can!" she proceeded to hug me. i checked my schedule and room number, it said "room number 304, roommate Emma." i looked at Emma, "hey are we roommates?"
"umm i don't know?" she checked her card and it said, "room number 304, roommate Bryan." she looked at me and smiled, "yes! yes we are!" i felt so happy, having the same room with what might be my only friend! "well i see you at our room!"


i walk into the classroom and sit at my desk, well, try to, since i just gained like 100kg about 30 minutes ago it's going to be hard to fit into everything. my teacher notices this and lets me sit at her desk which apparently was specially made for her. the subject was English and it's the normal stuff for it. i notice that i'm the only one in the class who doesn't have clothes on but nobody bothers to look. i now realise i need to pee, i would ask the teacher, but it's the first day and i don't wanna look like i'm slacking, "god i wish i had one of Emma's diapers right now." i thought to myself. but luckily the period ended and i walk out of the classroom. i double check my timetable and notice how there is only three subjects per day, with there being 4 lunch breaks, and now being one of those. it also says on the sheet is that you don't need to go to your subjects, only your WC class. i don't know what that is but it's my next class so i'll find out soon enough.


i find Emma sitting alone at her lunch table and decided to go sit next to her. as soon as she sees me she jumps up and hugs me. "i'm so glad you came!" she kissed me on the cheek and sat back down. i sit down and remembered that i needed to go to the toilet, "hey Emma, you know that diaper you're wearing?"
"do you have a spare one for me?"
"well uh, yeah!"
"great! can i have it now? i can change in the bathroom!"
"sure!" she hands me a diaper, it seems bigger than i remembered it but yet again these are teen ones. i head to the bathroom and change into my new diaper. i also noticed that with the bathrooms they were none gender classified, so that means anyone can go into the bathroom. but the stalls were locked like they were rooms so nobody could peek through. i walk out of the bathroom and sit back next to Emma. she was eating a whole family meal from McDonalds. there was someone coming over to us with food, they had an apron on so i assumes they were a server. they handed me two family meals and then walk away. since i was still starving i dig into it. when i finished the boxes i felt stuffed and my belly was hard as. the bell rang and i proceeded to walk to my next class.


i walk into the room and it's dark, all i see is a chair so decided to sit in it. as soon as i sit in it, something wraps me, its tightly put on as my belly was poking out. i get nervous very quickly until that same tube came down and went into my mouth. it started to push that same liquid into my mouth and i could see my belly growing by the second. it didn't go for long as when i got up and went on the scale it said "250kg." i had gained 50 kg from that? woah, this schools spoiling us! i see some clothes on a hanger get pushed to me, but i was fine having nothing on except my diaper so i only took the shirt, i put it on and it was like a dress, it drooped over me and covered my diaper. i leave the class and head to lunch break.


i didn't head for the cafeteria instead i went to my room, there were no keys so i opened the door and saw a giant living space, with couches and a widescreen t.v, it was great! i went to my room and see a king sized bed, a kitchen, a bathroom and the widest closet i have ever seen! since the rest of my classes were non mandatory, i just layed on my bed and got some pizza served to me. i slowly close my eyes until i hear a door opening, i get up and walk to the door and see that it's Emma! i say hi and hug her. i could feel her diaper was pretty soggy and wet and help her change. i give her some cake and we watch tv together. we watched anime and had the time of our lives. this school was turning out to be pretty sweet!

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