Chapter 2

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"Sup, sluts?" Our best friend calls across the hallway while running up to me and Chloe's lockers. Chloe and I shoot each other a knowing look before screeching: "Matty babyyyyyy," at the top of our lungs and tackling him into a big hug. Caught off guard by us jumping on him, he loses his balance and we all go crashing to the floor.

The students passing by chuckle at the sight of us sprawled across Matt on the floor.

"Ladies, if you want me that bad, we can always have a quickie in the janitors cupboard." He smirks.

"I'm sorry, but we don't sleep with our best friends." Chloe cheekily retorts.

Matt laughs, showing off his cute dimples before continuing, "Too bad, you'll miss out on the time of your life. Anyways, as much as I like this position, would you mind getting up? I've got somewhere I need to be."

 "I doubt that hon. Ooooh can't start the day right without having sex? Do tell me, who has the honor of being your slut of the day?" I ask, my voice dripping with sarcasm, while helping Chloe off of Matt.

 "Thanks for helping me up, it's not like you caused me to come crashing to the ground," he mutters to himself before adding a little louder: "Stacy, Why are you jealous it's not you I'm doing this morning?"

 "Oh baby, you know me so well. I'm soooo jealous that I won't be fucked and chucked by the great Mathew Jenkins." I answer while rolling my eyes before Chloe cuts me off, her eyes going as wide as saucers.

"Stacy as in Stacy Jones? The virgin Stacy? What the hell? Since when does she have sex, I thought she wanted to wait until marriage?!" She asks amazed. By now her eyes are so wide it looks like they'll fall out any moment.

"That was before I rocked her world. Oh and Emma, you're not really holy Mary. You fuck and chuck all the time. You taught me the art of playing," he winks at me.

Once again I roll my eyes while I grab my books needed for first period and slam my looker shut.

"Whatever. I'll met you a little later at lunch, there's something I gotta do first," I smile before turning around and slowly making my way down the endless seeming hallway filled with masses of students rushing around to arrive for first period on time.

"Good morning, Mr. Green!" I friendly greet my English Teacher.  

"Oh my, is an apocalypse about to occur? Did you trip and bang your head this morning? Something shocking must've happened for you to actually be on time for once. I never thought I'd see this day." He mocks me while my great comeback is sticking my tongue out like a 5-year-old.

I head to the back of the class, put my bag on my usual table before I plop down on my chair. I take out my ipod and scroll down until I find the song I'm looking for. I put in my earplugs and press play. Immediately the beautiful, calming melody of All Time Lows, "Therapy" fills my ears. I turn to my right to stare at the raindrops racing down the window whilst drifting into a daydream.

All Time Low was Alex's favorite band. I miss him so much and sometimes listening to them makes me feel a little closer to him.Therapy was my favorite song, it reminded me the most of him. I remember when I first heard the song. I was eleven and Alex just came across the band, so he was constantly blasting their songs at full volume 24/7.


Ever since my father lost his job and couldn't find a new one, things had gotten rocky at home. My parents fought a lot more than usual, but that day was different. It was much worse. It scared me so much, I ran into Alex's room.

Even though we fought a lot also, we had a quite good relationship. I slowly opened his door and rushed over to his bed, where he was sitting with his iPod plugged in.

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