Chapter 11

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Sorry for the late update, school has been so stressful lately I just didn't have any time to write. I hope you like this chapter!
Remember to comment, vote and fan  :D
Oh and happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it :-)

xo Meg

“Emma! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” My senses kick back in and I mentally slap myself for getting caught up in the moment. I must be going insane; I mean I was actually daydreaming about kissing Riley whilst running from the cops.

But damn, he was so good and those luscious lips, my eyes flicker down, felt so good against mi- NO. STOP! I scold myself again.

“I know I’m gorgeous, but you gotta’ stop fantasizing about me.” A cocky voice chuckles from beneath me, ripping me from my thoughts. A smirk plastered on his lips, oh those soft lips. Nope. I am Emma Taber for fucks sake! I am a player, I do not fall in love, or have crushes for that matter.

“Don’t flatter yourself. Why would I waste my dreams on a jerk like you?” I smile sweetly.

“Well the way you kept staring at my lips and were slowly leaning forward kinda gives me a different opinion.” His smirk grew. Well isn’t this just fantastic? See what you did Emma? Now he thinks you like him. Good job.

“Don't let your mind wander, it's far too small to be let out on its own.” I flash him a smile, trying to hide the annoyance in my voice.

“Oh but I like where it’s wandering, you wanted to kiss me. You wanted to kiss me!” He says loudly in a sing-song voice.

“Will you shut up?” I ask him, annoyed, “I don’t fancy catching any diseases, I mean God knows where those lips have been.” I roll off of him, the grass tickling my bare skin.

“Way too many places.” He turns his head and winks. I roll my eyes and slap his chest in response. Holy shit, someone sure does work out. I quickly snap back my hand, fighting the urge to run it up and down his muscular chest.

I freeze when I hear footsteps nearing us.

“Darn kids.” A gruff voice spits out between heavy breaths, probably the cop that had been chasing us. He keeps on muttering obscenities and something about donuts. I turn my head towards Riley, noticing his eyes shining with amusement.  I bite down my lip, trying to control the laughter threatening to slip out.

“At least mummy made my favourite meal.” He keeps on grumbling.

That was all it took for us to burst out laughing,  causing Meatball – I decided to name him that since he resembled a small, round meatball; to shriek in shock.

His reaction only makes us  laugh even more, obviously not amusing Meatball.

“Oh shit.” I chuckle when I notice him charging toward us, “He’s coming. RUN!” I shout as Riley quickly snatches my hand, pulling me up.


“Ouch.” I say as Riley lets go of a branch, making it whack me in the face. I rub my hand across my sore cheek, trying to soothe the pain.

“Whoopsie. Sorry.” He grins back at me.

“Whatever,” I grumble, “Where are we going? I don’t know if you realized this but Meatball’s little legs probably won’t be able to carry him up this hill. Oh and I’m barefoot, so you know, it’s not the most pleasurable feeling.”

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