Chapter 6

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Riley's POV:   

Shit. I need to stop thinking about her. I mean we're talking about Emma here! The school player... it  couldn't mean anything. I'm sure she's just trying to mess with my head, but it's working. Fuck! I need to concentrate, if this goes wrong, I'm in some deep shit. Okay chill, you hate Emma, she's a bitch and wants everybody to know how perfect her life is. Right?   

  The near kiss with Emma is really messing with my head, I just can't get the image from my mind as I park on Brook Road and walk towards the ally behind some Irish pub. I inhale the familiar smell of alcohol laced with rich smoke. The cool breeze fans my face as I get to my destination.

 As I approach I can see three dark figures awaiting me. "You got the stuff?"  the small guy asks me, his voice gruff.    

"You got the cash, I got the stash." I reply.    

The guy on the left takes a thick, brown envelope out of his jacket coat and hands it to me. I flick it open and count the money. Five hundred. I sigh, don't these guys ever get it.    

"Dude, we said one thousand. What am I supposed to do with five hundred? Call Eddie when you've got the money."    

I turn around and start heading back to my car and my thoughts drift back to Emma again. I wonder if we really would've kissed if her phone hadn't interrupted us. No! I cant think like that, I mean I should hate her! Jesus.    

I'm so lost in my thoughts I don't hear the footsteps coming towards me until a hand grabs my shoulder and spins me around to face him.    

"Listen kid, we don't want any trouble here. Take the five hundred, give us the shit, and no one gets hurt." The big guy, I recognize as one of the body guards orders me.    

"You're right, no one will get hurt. We provide some of the best Cocaine you can get around here, thousand bucks is really cheap for that amount and quality. So either you pay up, or you leave it. No compromising whatsoever."    

I turn for my car again but a hard blow to my cheek stops me from doing so. Are you fucking kidding me right now?  I reach into the back of my jeans, wrapping my fingers around the cool metal, swiftly pull it out and pointing it at his face.    

"Try that one more time and you're dead faster than you can say disco-" I stop when I feel pain shooting though my left arm. Warm, red liquid, trickles down my arm. "Son of a bitch." I mutter under my breath.    

I pull the trigger of my gun and fire it at the guy who just shot me. He lets out a shriek of pain and clutches is right shoulder, praying that he doesn't want to die.    

"Shut up, you're not gonna die. I didn't hit anything vital." I turn to the little man, who's hiding behind the uninjured bodyguard - staring at me wide eyed. "I'm gonna tell you one last time. You got the cash I got the stash. If not, piss off."    

He whispers something in the big guys ear, who nods and pulls out another, slightly larger, brown envelope and hands it to me. One thousand.    

"That wasn't too hard now was it?" I hand him the small bag, filled with the popular white powder and get in my car. I start the engine and roll down my window, "Next time you try shit like that again with me, I will hit something vital." I warn them, before speeding off.      

Holy shit, that could have gone seriously wrong; I have to stop thinking about Emma or next time I wont be so lucky. I run my hand through my hair, forgetting my injury. It stings a little, but I've had worse.    

After another few minutes of driving I reach the headquarters. I grab the envelope and walk straight to Eddies office, ignoring the greetings from my fellow gang members.     "Sup boss. Got you're money. Is the Doc here? I got shot."    

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