Chapter 4

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I glance up at the clock and see that I have five minutes left until the final bell rings, so I quickly whip out my phone and open a new text.

To: my smexy biatch <3

Hey can u hitch a ride w/ Matty baby? I've gotta go see Riley, that idiot, to start our flippin project. -__- Ugh PLEASE kill me now? Love you <3

While waiting for an answer, I start stuffing my things into my bag. Just as I finish, my phone vibrates, signaling a new text message.

From : my smexy biatch <3

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA sure thing sweet thang. and HAHAHAHAHAHAHA your life sucks. SOOO jealous tho, you get to work with that hot piece of ass. yummmaaaayyy. Love you <3

Just as I finish reading my phone vibrates again, meaning I've got another text. I press the reply button and text Chloe: You're welcome to have him ;) I'll call ya later <3

From : Matty Babyyyyy <3<3<3

I am NOT a baby. -_- Stop calling me that.

I can just imagine Matt scoffing when he read the text I sent to Chloe. They have class together and he always reads our texts. I mean, I love him and all, but he is one nosy bastard!

To: Matty Babyyyyy <3<3<3

Never baby ;) I'll call ya later. Love you :) <3

From : Matty Babyyyyy <3<3<3

Bitch. U better. LU2 <3

I smile and put my phone into my back pocket just as the final bell rings. I sigh and stand up. Better get this over with. 

I pick up my bag and slowly head out of my class to the front doors. I literally have to drag my feet over to The Oak where I know Riley will probably be sitting, smoking a joint peacefully.

The Oak is a big Oak tree on the far left in front of the school building. Far away from the teachers room. It's where everybody goes to do the forbidden stuff, such as smoking. Because it's so big it's hard to see anything that goes on behind it. Teachers know about it, but have given up on punishing kids, seeing as nearly everybody has been there at least once before.

Just as I'd expected, a certain person with short brown hair was sitting underneath the tree, smoking peacefully while listening to his iPod. I stand in front of him and after a few seconds he realizes he's not alone, his hazel brown eyes meeting my own as he looks up.

"Get up, we're going to the library. We've gotta start our project." I tell him sternly.

"No," he answers nonchalantly. Going back to listening to his music.

I rip his earplugs from his ears, "Uh, yes we are. I need a good grade for this project. So get your ass up. We're leaving."

"No," he answers again. God, why do I have to get paired up with such a douche? I clench my fists and count to ten in my head, before dropping my bag on the ground. I'm not in the mood for an argument and I have a shift to take tonight.

Thank god Grace is staying at a friends house or I'd have to deal with her now. Not that I don't love her and all that, I do, with all my heart. But I'm a teenager for Christ sake! I shouldn't have to take care of my sister and work as a whore. But life's not fair, you have to make the best of it.

I flop down in front of him and take away his iPod, because apparently he wants to do this the hard way. Annoyance flashes though his eyes as he looks at me.

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